New Donald J Trump....Brief and To the point...
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The Republican/Conservative plan, WHEN approved at any level, will push our Country towards FREEDOM and Capitalism. KUDOS, I just had to say it. Amen.
This is still part of the illusion. Left v. Right are both controlled entities. They are the construct of the PTB to keep us looking at each other. Both are required to lead to totalitarianism. Both are the fundamental structure of the system. Until people stop thinking of "sides" as defined for us by the PTB the GA will not be fulfilled.
The only "plan" that makes a lick of sense is for people to think for themselves. No parties, no factions, a million different voices, all with equal right to speak.
That doesn't mean that all voices have equally good things to say, but no argument should be silenced. The only way to ensure no argument is silenced is to remove the concept of "sides". With the allowance of all voices being heard, and respected enough to be debated, it is up to all the rest to listen, and be discerning. It is incumbent upon each individual to consider critically each argument and stop being lazy by creating factions and listening to "trusted leaders" at the expense of individual critical thinking.
Republicans can go fuck themselves. I'm I dependent and they've fuxking hurt us as much as anyone. Chamge rhe party name I'll never belong or donate. Ever.
look weak when you are strong ?
because this is a weak comment
Socialism would be great compared to the elites desired end game that's currently coming to fruition. Definitely not an insightful or inspiring post.
like I said... appearing weak when strong?
it's a throwaway comment, at best
They need to act fast before any blockchain based voting systems are used, and that time/technology is on there doorstep
We are not "already socialist" but the ship is in full steam ahead.
Free enterprise in a Socialist System is permitted, but make no mistake about it, Income tax is Socialism. The graft from those taxes and the printing of $28 trillion Fake Dollars is socialism.
A Federal government of 3 million bureaucrats is Socialism. Facebook and Twitter are DS Socialist platforms that have monetized Stasi public surveillance.
As an economic and political system, we are far more Socialist than we are Free Enterprise.
We sure as shit are. Degrees don't matter.
"America will never be a socialist country!" - what happened to that?
Whole trumpmis in office. Apparently he ain't.
We're already at the socialism stage with the jab. If approved, it's communism.
I'm wondering why Trump didn't use the term "communist." Socialism is a peaceful form of communism and we're beyond that. I'm thinking maybe he doesn't want to appear too extreme so he used "socialism."
Socialism is peaceful? Not sure where you get that. Communism is socialism without a government.
Every "communist" government is technically socialist. Countries that incorporate socialist policies include Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
From my understanding, communism is forced socialism by violent overthrow of government while socialism is not forced but rather done through democratic processes within the existing political structure.
Marx defined communism as the end result of socialism, i.e. socialism is a government communism is voluntary. Basically all socialism is forced with a violent revolution, this is why the Soviet union was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This is why people like Bernie Sanders ramble about 'muh democratic socialism', the only difference is you vote them in.
Nationalist SOCIALIST Workers Party= NAZI= Prescott Bush dynasty= Control of the Republican party establishment.
Gee boss, guess what's gonna happen?
But he's wrong though. It will actually force us into communism. And yes, that is even worse.
If there is a government it is socialism. Trump is right.
Communism is not worse than socialism. We don't know what it would even be like because socialist governments have never gone away.
So does that mean we should kill Social Security?
Everything politicians do push us there. The leftist normis like socialism.