Propaganda is perhaps too strong of a word, but all stories, to a degree, are indoctrination. Every story advances the values and agenda of its creator, whether intended or not. Some of those values we don't think about because they're near universal, such as, "helping orphans is good" or "eating babies is bad." Others we don't think about because we share those values. Anything that promotes capitalism and liberty as good pushes an agenda just like woke nonsense (although it's probably better made). We also might not notice because in better made stories, such values aren't so much pushed as they are just assumed to be true.
So yes, all films with any coherent plot either pushed or assumed certain beliefs. We just don't notice either because we shared those beliefs, or it was done so subtly that there was never a chance to notice. Nothingberg has a good point about watching critically: if you want to see it (and not everyone does), it's possible to see the beliefs being pushed by any film. Just ask, "What values are being stated," as well as, "What values are assumed to be true?"
Propaganda is perhaps too strong of a word, but all stories, to a degree, are indoctrination. Every story advances the values and agenda of its creator, whether intended or not. Some of those values we don't think about because they're near universal, such as, "helping orphans is good" or "eating babies is bad." Others we don't think about because we share those values. Anything that promotes capitalism and liberty as good pushes an agenda just like woke nonsense (although it's probably better made). We also might not notice because in better made stories, such values aren't so much pushed as they are just assumed to be true.
So yes, all films with any coherent plot either pushed or assumed certain beliefs. We just don't notice either because we shared those beliefs, or it was done so subtly that there was never a chance to notice. Nothingberg has a good point about watching critically: if you want to see it (and not everyone does), it's possible to see the beliefs being pushed by any film. Just ask, "What values are being stated," as well as, "What values are assumed to be true?"
China owns Hollywood. It is indeed propaganda.