I’m sure some of you fellow female patriots can agree, if they invade our female spaces we have to grit our teeth and take it or else be ridiculed, outed as a bigot, and snarled at by woke society. It is absolutely maddening. 100% if I see a f*g go in right after my niece I am calling the cops to make sure they are not a predator and I am watching their every move. Ever since the trans bathroom shit thanks to joebama, woman and children have been preyed on because they have access to our private spaces. Bathrooms. Gyms. Work spaces.
I’m not confrontational, but the whole trans thing is the one thing that really pisses me off and I will speak up about! They have no idea what it’s really like to grow up as a woman. Yes, not all women have gone through childbirth, but I would guess that all have gone through the horror or dread of starting your period during school in middle school and not knowing it’s on your pants or worrying all day about your pad leaking or trying to go to the bathroom without anyone asking why you have to take your purse with you. Cramps, hormones, menopause, and just the fact that women think and act different than men! Getting all dolled up and making your voice higher or getting surgery to rearrange your parts is not all that it takes to be a woman! I’m really glad the employee at the end said he looked like a man! I was worried he was going to placate him.
Fortunately for me, I live in a very red, very rural community, so I'm not personally impacted by this kind of stuff, but I don't like it and I feel sorry for any normal person (male and female) who has to deal with it.
Oh lucky! I live in North Carolina and every day the wokeness from Roy Cooper gets worse. God help us all in North Carolina. I hope Roy Cooper is on God’s smite list. I’m pretty sure he cheated to win the state again.
Kitty, you have no idea how much I agree with you.
Do you, and the rest of the world, realize that the ENTIRE LGBTQ population take up less than 5% of our population, yet the damn WOKE want to change the world to force the 95% rest of us to accommodate them.
So sorry if I offend anyone (not that much) but these trans people need mental health treatment .
Even the ORIGINAL medical books calls this a mental issue, NOT a biological issue it's called gender dysphoria. Yet instead of treating these people, the WOKE want to integrate them into every aspect of our life.
This will not end until GOD ends the world or people like us stand up and refuse to acknowledge them - this includes schools, the sports arena, the political arena, the actors/actress arena, etc.
I know I will probably be trolled for this statement, but when I see one of these trans walking around with a wig, makeup, hair on their arms and face, trying to walk in heels and thinking they are women, I laugh.
And then other "WOKE" people try to make the normal people believe they can birth a child, nurse a baby, have a vagina...It is nothing more than comical statement and it is obvious NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER READ THE BIBLE!
They actually do come across as clowns and if they read this and feel bad, please for the love of your own life, seek mental help because to those of us who are Bible reading, loving GOD, we know you need help. Amen
Thank you for this. They are an absolute clown show. But at the same time? I feel bad for not accepting them and being so “bigoted” because God tells us we must love everyone. So are we being bad Christians for laughing at those freak shows?
I’m sure some of you fellow female patriots can agree, if they invade our female spaces we have to grit our teeth and take it or else be ridiculed, outed as a bigot, and snarled at by woke society. It is absolutely maddening. 100% if I see a f*g go in right after my niece I am calling the cops to make sure they are not a predator and I am watching their every move. Ever since the trans bathroom shit thanks to joebama, woman and children have been preyed on because they have access to our private spaces. Bathrooms. Gyms. Work spaces.
I’m not confrontational, but the whole trans thing is the one thing that really pisses me off and I will speak up about! They have no idea what it’s really like to grow up as a woman. Yes, not all women have gone through childbirth, but I would guess that all have gone through the horror or dread of starting your period during school in middle school and not knowing it’s on your pants or worrying all day about your pad leaking or trying to go to the bathroom without anyone asking why you have to take your purse with you. Cramps, hormones, menopause, and just the fact that women think and act different than men! Getting all dolled up and making your voice higher or getting surgery to rearrange your parts is not all that it takes to be a woman! I’m really glad the employee at the end said he looked like a man! I was worried he was going to placate him.
Fortunately for me, I live in a very red, very rural community, so I'm not personally impacted by this kind of stuff, but I don't like it and I feel sorry for any normal person (male and female) who has to deal with it.
Oh lucky! I live in North Carolina and every day the wokeness from Roy Cooper gets worse. God help us all in North Carolina. I hope Roy Cooper is on God’s smite list. I’m pretty sure he cheated to win the state again.
Kitty, you have no idea how much I agree with you. Do you, and the rest of the world, realize that the ENTIRE LGBTQ population take up less than 5% of our population, yet the damn WOKE want to change the world to force the 95% rest of us to accommodate them.
So sorry if I offend anyone (not that much) but these trans people need mental health treatment .
Even the ORIGINAL medical books calls this a mental issue, NOT a biological issue it's called gender dysphoria. Yet instead of treating these people, the WOKE want to integrate them into every aspect of our life.
This will not end until GOD ends the world or people like us stand up and refuse to acknowledge them - this includes schools, the sports arena, the political arena, the actors/actress arena, etc.
I know I will probably be trolled for this statement, but when I see one of these trans walking around with a wig, makeup, hair on their arms and face, trying to walk in heels and thinking they are women, I laugh.
And then other "WOKE" people try to make the normal people believe they can birth a child, nurse a baby, have a vagina...It is nothing more than comical statement and it is obvious NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER READ THE BIBLE!
They actually do come across as clowns and if they read this and feel bad, please for the love of your own life, seek mental help because to those of us who are Bible reading, loving GOD, we know you need help. Amen
Thank you for this. They are an absolute clown show. But at the same time? I feel bad for not accepting them and being so “bigoted” because God tells us we must love everyone. So are we being bad Christians for laughing at those freak shows?
Absolutely not! There are so many passages in the bible that addresses anything other than man & woman it truly states what GOD has ordained.
I do not consider myself bigoted towards them anymore than if I felt bigoted for a person killing another person regardless of their race.
In the end, GOD will win and these people will be taken care of according to GOD's plan.
God Bless! 🙏