Lithuania is what they want. Maybe the most fucked up western country on the planet
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I am certain my experience with psychedelics have inoculated me against this madness.
Tore down some walls, while opening new neural pathways and Doors of Perception.
I will never trip again. I did it to the point that I feel I saw too much. As Alan Watts said "When you get the message, hang up the phone."
So damn true.
I saw LSD as the apple in the garden of Eden. I saw it as the forbidden fruit because it lifted the veil too much and my earthly life was not supposed to see that.
"We are all one" is not as romantic as it sounds to most. "The one" is an eternal loneliness when it is conscience of itself.
My consciousness traveled from my cellular being, to the total sum of all existence over the 42 trips I underwent.
Never again.
I digress.