That's the PERMANENT STATE, Mr Flynn & they've been there for a very long time.
What have we been saying publically for the past 2 years? No one person (President) runs this country. They're just a spokesperson for the shadow figures behind the curtain that do. The job of the puppet president, is to be a mouthpiece for the shadow figures, & get the citizens on board with [Their] unethical, unconstitutional policies.
& my High School teachers, most notably my US History teacher, thought I was absolutely Looney Tunes for saying these things as a teenager.
We only SEE it cuz we finally had a President who got into office that didn't have strings attached to him & pushed back / amplified his own voice against them
So what is the solution? I saw some small potential with guys naturalizing into a native American group in the Dakota almost 20 years ago, though the deep state/FBI Jan 6th them into a terrorist based group IIRC.
Anything that will work IMO needs to wake up at least 90+% withing a short window (under 4 years).
I am hoping the idea floated about the belligerent occupancy is correct & that Jan 21 we can lawfully take back our nation with the military without NATO involvement. Though that doesn't mean NATO would not try.