I've been looking everywhere. Except Dr Zelenko's protocols for pre and post Covid does anyone know of and protocols for the reversal of the affects of the Covid vaccine?
I had found some research that thousands of mg of Vitamin C before during and after was helpful. Another was to use like a snake bite kit to suck out the vaccine as soon as absolutely possible after the vaccine. If those two weren't done has there been any other release of methods?
Thanks in advance. Asking for a family member who I just found out got the vax against here will. Haven't gotten the whole situation yet.
I have read that pine needle tea is being used.
Time will tell if the body can correct itself. Normally the human body is remarkable for healing, but here we are talking about altering DNA; the blueprint of how the body works.
Right now it appears that those vaxxinated are condemned to trying everything in their power to offset the damage. This includes lifelong blood thinners to start. Lifelong drastic detoxification protocols and detoxification. Along with other means.
There is hope though. Big Pharma is trying to find a remedy for all those who took the gene therapy treatment.... er.. I mean vaxx.
life long blood thinners would kill a person please stop telling people that. Blood thinners should only be taken if recommended by a doctor.
Well your petro-chemical blood thinners might be like that. And I never advised for this to be the actual case. Limited options to live may require extreme measures though. I never advised for petro-chemical blood thinners. You only assumed it. People COVID-19 vaxxinated are pretty much fucked.
Most people wouldn't drink WD-40 either, but since it is also a petro-chemical Big Pharma has already thought of it as a blood thinner. In my view petroleum should never be ingested or injected in the human body.
I've taken cayenne, the best blood thinner there is every day for the last 15 years.
Your allopathic lesson has little credibility when it comes to Nature. Cayenne would be the way to go as far as blood thinners are concerned.
I agree cayenne is something big. Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are also options. And urine therapy.
Good sake, You may have hit on something that might help my prostate issue. Does Serrapeptase and Nattokinase work for that. Forget about saw palmetto though. I don't need any DMT blockers like finasteride.
FYI WD40 is made of almost entirely Fish Oil. I’d bet it’s edible. Never assume. Lol
FYI WD40 is not made almost entirely of Fish Oil. According to my research, that is a myth.
Safety Data Sheet (see 3 - Composition/Information on Ingredients
Statement of myth
You might also notice on data sheet:
2 – Hazards Identification
Hazcom 2012/GHS Classification:
Flammable Aerosol Category 1
Aspiration Toxicity Category 1
Label Elements:
Extremely Flammable Aerosol.
May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
Prevention: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces – No smoking.
Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.
Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.
IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or physician. Do NOT induce vomiting.
Numerical Measures of Toxicity: The oral toxicity of this product is estimated to be greater than 5,000 mg/kg and the dermal toxicity greater than 2,000 mg/kg based on an assessment of the ingredients. This product is not classified as toxic by established criteria. It is an aspiration hazard.
You should drink some then. Let me know how that turns out.
See my reply below.
You're welcome.
If you have not got the jab yet take 5000 to 10000 of vitamin C before during and after and every day after that. Please note that everyone is different so to make sure you do not overdose on vitamin c start wit 5000 work your way up, if you get the runs than cut back that is the sign you have enough. I dont have Dr Ardis video about that. I thought I saved it but cant find it. That 5000 to 10000 is every day if possible if not for as long as you can.
Are you a pharmacist, doctor, nutritionist by change?
Watch Clif Hi's latest video. (https://www.bitchute.com/video/6UoprWnLdauS/)
The last third deals with Vitamin D3 and he seems to be saying that it will destroy the spike protein if you have high enough levels in your body. Start at 57 minutes where he is drawing the spike protein on the whiteboard.
He says the virus was supposed to be much more lethal but that was because they were not aware how different vit D levels are around the world.
The Han chinese have D levels around 14-18. In a white person that would be rickets level, very sick. So the virus would kill 13 out of 14 Han but not whites, unless they had weak immune systems and low D.
So then they decided to put the spike protein into people directly with the vax and it worked, but only on people with D levels below 40.
In another video where he talks about Vit D he says if you can up your D levels, which are easily tested, to over 40, even up to 60 or so you will be healthier all around, never get cancer or get sick.
He's a little hard to hear and jumps around a lot so that was my take. Watch it yourself and check. I am now taking 3 Vitamin D3 pills a day, 5000 units each.
I’ve heard of NAC and nicotine being helpful. They cause the white blood cell that attacks and absorbs the S2 protein to dissolve like it is supposed to, but for some reason isn’t, which is how the proteins pass the blood brain barrier and get to organs they aren’t supposed to
Take Benadryl just before and after shot. It is a histamine blocker so some people that were having side effects right after the shot took it.
Also Pine Needle tea works the same way as star anise. Star Anise taste better.
I think there is a suggestion by doctor involved in this Detox related video but not sure. Listen @7:45
HORROR: Exclusive VIDEO Captures "Organism" From Vaxxed Soldier's Body