I told last week that my friend died of Covid/Flu. He had told me he was going to the hospital to get the antibody infusion the next day. He sounded like he had a bad cold. I went to his funeral Saturday and found out that the hospital decided NOT to give him the antibody but gave him Remdisivir instead. He was admitted into the hospital and never came out. His sister told me that they thought he was going to be fine and the next day they were told that Jerry wasn't going to make it.
After a little research, even the WHO does not recommend Remdisivir for Covid because of the side effects. It can destroy your liver and kidneys. THAT is what happened to Jerry. They killed him as surly as I am typing this. IF any of your friends or family have the Covid/Flu, DO NOT let them give the Remdisivir. This video by Dr. Brian Ardis will explain!
It's RICO with murder/crimes against humanity. These hospitals are all conspiring together. We have a bunch of psychopaths running the health/death system in our country.
Have you heard of the EPIC computer system that was quietly introduced into hospitals? When diagnostic routines have all changed uniformly, and seemingly at the same time, its reasonable to suspect a uniform cause as well.
I wonder who owns EPIC, and what dollars changed hands and between whom.
Holy cow...yeah it’s Wiki, but go down to the Criticisms & Controversies Tab?
Not looking so great huh? Proprietary lock-in strategy with their data says that they arent confident that they will fare well against competitors. The part about making all records available over the internet once 'authorized' sounds pretty suspect too. A high incentive, high reward hack target with massive blackmail potential for patients.
Great insight there. Interesting how their software basically disabled cross referencing, billing etc...basically a database AI borg system. If you peruse the British and Danish experiences in that Wiki compilation it’s truly frightening. My experiences in the humongous Maryland healthscare systems that all interconnect was one of the reasons I left that blue hellhole and moved to the TN mountains. I luckily have an old school countrified Dr now who doesn’t push vaxxes etc.
Epic, headquartered in Verona Wisconsin, started by billionaire democrat Judith Faulkner.
I'm looking at cause and effect here. If all hospitals embraced destructive treatments at the same time this was introduced, thats a pretty strong correlation that something is wrong with the product or company. Others are digging into it right now for others of these 'coincidences', it was created by a democrat donator for one.. Judith Faulkner. A pattern that keeps coming up.
A lot of problems would cease I suspect if the funding for who is paying hospitals to misdiagnose patients was tracked. Which is criminal.. but for some reason has gone completely uninvestigated.
Jensen said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/
Hospitals were diagnosing everyone with Covid. Anyone with respiratory problems. A man had a big hole shot in the middle of his chest and died. They called it Covid-19 because he couldn't breathe after being shot. Another man was killed in a motorcycle accident. They called it Covid-19 because he was injured so bad, he stopped breathing!
You should take a look at their facilities on the map and the pictures associated with the various buildings. It's very odd for a medical facility. I looked into them after seeing their logo on my discharge papers a few months ago. Epic
People don't realize the Clintons launched this health care system on us back in the 90s. While people were fighting against Hillary's social health care system, they quietly began slipping in laws and rules to undermine our health care system. Obummer care finished it off.
Hanging is too good for them.
EXACTLY. First they (with Pharma) roped all the docs into HMO's which made the docs dependent on the system then paid big bucks to CEO's to manage them then brought in Obamacare and mandatory insurance laws to suck us dry.
yeah several of my doctors were more independent small practices before Obamacare. but now all have been bought out and consolidated with large practices. I ask the doctors when I see them about it. They said yeah the paperwork makes overhead too much to deal with as a small operator which favors larger operations which can consolidate all the bullshit paperwork they have to deal with. and the doctors said they'd rather just practice medicine than have more and more of their time spent working on paperwork bullshit. so the consolidation.
but as it consolidates it becomes easier for government to make uniform changes and rules that make the doctors less independent in their ability to make decisions in best interest of the patient.
Yup - all about CONTROL. Any way they can...
Hillary was the distraction. At the time, I recall being relieved when her socialized medicine initiative failed. Keep in mind, this happened in 1992. A couple years later I knew something had changed, but, as usual, the MSM was worthless, and the internet was in it's infancy. Later I figured out Medicare and Medicaid were the vehicles used for controlling health care (pushing up insurance costs to create MSM talking points and generate frustration with the system). One of the things they did was underpay for some procedures, so everyone's health insurance had to make up the difference. It wasn't widely reported, if at all, but if you talked to anyone providing healthcare in the mid-late 90's, that was one of the complaints. The MSM focused on the rising cost of healthcare, and the advantages of a single payer system.
I'm pretty sure that not only do hospitals get payouts for every positive covid diagnosis but also for every covid death.
I believe the number is $48,000.
what is the crime show thing? means(vents and remdesivir protocol), opportunity (someone goes into Hospital California) and motive ($48k).
Hospitals are the death camps.
There's a reason why they aren't letting family members in and this is it
That’s how much they think a human being is worth. The love of money is a root of all evil. I Tim. 6:10
We're worth far less than that to them, alive. That's the price we are worth to them dead.
Is that for the diagnosis or the death?
That's what thet get after they kill you.
Many nurses and Doctors are Rockafeller agents scattered across the hospitals. Rockafeller owns most of the hospitals.