This young lady in this GWP Video in the below article is a true American Patriot showing her “supposed Red State” of Wyoming, and thee ENTIRE UNITED STATES, how to properly resist the Communists controlling our Nation! She easily has more B@lls than 80% of our own population! She and people like Kyle Rittenhouse will be easily, historically remembered, as Hero Patriots at the end of this war!
But to be safe and as MLK encouraged, be like her Anons and Patriots! We Must All Resist Properly and By Law To Win! In the end Where We Go One, We Go All.
Last week I saw photos of a rather oblivious friend of mine (who is very pro-mask) wearing a bunch of pink "breast cancer awareness" regalia at the grade school she works at. And I'm thinking....why the HELL would little kids need to think of or be aware of breast cancer, FFS?
It's like these adults enjoy the grim spectacle of danger, and WANT to make kids always afraid of something. Back in the old days they made the kids do "duck and cover" drills, making sure they grew up thinking they were about to be killed by a nuclear bomb.
Fear = control.
The schools are being bribed.
No-no! We put a Kleenex on our heads to keep the radioactive dust off while under the desk and it's all good. Just remember to keep your eyes closed until after the flash.
It's just a fancy shmancy fetish... Haute couture has ended up making millions off this crap..