25 Redpilling a friend… I need links to when the fake news was caught faking things. Anyone got any juicy ones? posted 3 years ago by funkefresh82 3 years ago by funkefresh82 +25 / -0 Fire away! 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Uh, lets go Brandon
How about that time an Indian news outlet got caught using footage of ARMA 3 and said it was an attack on Afghanistan.
https://www.siasat.com/republic-tv-shows-video-game-as-pakistan-bombing-panjshir-2188445/ etc.
Don't forget the fake news from India that used gas leak deaths to promote covid fud.
Here are a few: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/04/22/top-51-fake-news-bombshells-media-spread-russiagate/
Nytimes was caught recently overr reporting children covid cases. Fox had an online article about their retraction a few days ago
I know there was CNN faking Iraq coverage, when I did a search I looked for a non-youtube version. Found this link:
Top 20 CNN Fake News Moments
Anderson Cooper kneeling in a puddle to make it look deep: https://imgr.search.brave.com/a4BPZ_rFuxVrCYcyele3udCHxFMFrgzSYftvx4fn28k/fit/1200/720/ce/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnl0/aW1nLmNvbS92aS90/ZURLQjFzUWdyRS9t/YXhyZXNkZWZhdWx0/LmpwZw
shouldnt be hard to pull up 4 years of russia russia russia . then reveal the real conclusions