Other pilots won't cross a union pocket line.
The mechanics and baggage handlers may not cross a pocket line either.
The airlines had better think carefully if they want to have a corporation left, or else be in bankruptcy by Christmas. Drop the vax and mask mandates, or go broke. It's that simple.
Other pilots won't cross a union pocket line. The mechanics and baggage handlers may not cross a pocket line either.
The airlines had better think carefully if they want to have a corporation left, or else be in bankruptcy by Christmas. Drop the vax and mask mandates, or go broke. It's that simple.
They'll bail the airlines out and the airlines will hire Taliban pilots
Who will be really good at taking off, but not so good at landing
Well the goal is white people dying, so its win-win for them!
Bail them out for what purpose. Who will fly their planes, who will buy their tickets.
Yeah who is going to fly? The crashy crash African pilots?
Remember.....they wanted it this way.
Remember...they wanted it this way.
Isn't that a goal of Communism? To limit travel to the masses?
Here come the drones..,
But the company achieves 0 emissions! Lol! Blow a libtards mind with that argument!