This could NEVER happen under a Trump presidency:
Afghanistan withdrawal to give the country back to the Afghani people with enough military fire power to protect themselves while getting their country up and running.
Economic/Electronics standstill with chip shortages while Taiwan shuts down chip production as they systematically rid their electronics of Chinese parts/code.
Supply chain crisis and cargo ships stalled at sea and banned from docking because of reasons in order to prevent Chinese crap flooding our market in order to initiate collapse of CCP economy, which is happening now.
All of these "catastrophes" that Americans are screaming about needed to happen during Biden's fake presidency for optics. And it helps to get the norms to the precipice.
If I'm missing other pieces of the puzzle, please add your ideas.
(All these ideas came from the anonymous collective, so I can't take credit.)
Well I have to take exception to your #1. We didn't exactly give weapons to the PEOPLE of Afghanistan, they were abandoned to the Taliban, who most certainly don't represent the majority of the people in that country. It's a clusterfuck and no amount of rationalization can change that or make it seem better.
Except, what if the people of Afghanistan are actually ok with the Taliban governing? Remember, the Taliban wanted to and tried to burn the poppy fields to stop being exploited by other countries/CIA for the drug trade. What if we've just been told that that the people hate the Taliban. "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist."
Taliban has also told the Afghan farmers not to grow poppies next year, but grow saffron (the world's most expensive spice) instead. The Afghan farmers are actually happy and relieved about this. No more getting robbed by the drug handlers they had to deal with. Now they'll be able to sell their product legally in any country and there is HUGE demand for saffron all over the world. They never profited off poppies because the drug smugglers left them barely enough to scrape by.
I'm thinking the same, very good insight , I think I read something about this that u posted! I do know they are happy about not being slaves to grow for the drug lords who as you said raped the fields that they planted and left them with barely enough to survive!
If saffron is a high value crop, won't that be stolen by the gangs, too? This happens with avocados in countries where that is one of the top exported goods.
Do you have anything to back this up or are you just making shit up?
Yup. I always have the sauce. I've shared the articles on this in past posts.
If you want to find your own articles then I recommend you do like Q has taught and dig. It's not hard to find.
Before we get warm and fuzzy over the Taliban remember they fuck little kids...both human and goat.
I mean, it's a choice between two evils.
Similar to Syria where they had a choice between ISIS and the Obama backed 'moderate' Al-Qaeda rebels, or Assad. The media tell us Assad is bad, and he is, but if the alternative is ISIS...
The CIA Taliban did this. Waiting to confirm if we still have CIA Taliban, or something else. I'm pretty sure it's not CIA Taliban.
Taliban pre-existed CIA.
As a Christian woman, I find the Taliban to be evil. Raping little boys and marrying little girls to rape them. Terrorizing and beating their forced wives. Evil. Evil.
There is a huge difference between the Taliban on TV and the Taliban on the ground.
The Taliban on the ground is a group of freedom fighters who have used brutal tactics in response to fighting global superpowers, all while following Allah (which carries its own bag luggage).
The Taliban on TV was led by Al Qaeda. They took things to the level of committing war crimes against the populace in the territory they were occupying, were trained by the CIA to do so to activate the Geneva Convention Law of War to justify US and UN intervention, and were led by US trained operatives (you can name a few like Usama Bin Laden).
There is a difference. It's still a bad situation, but it is a better bad situation. Most importantly, it is a much better bad situation than the one that country will be in if they were unable to defend themselves from the CCP going after their rare earth metals. Remember what they did to the Ughar Muslims. The CCP is a much worse monster to live under than the Taliban.
So are they going to start helping Rambo and James Bond again, like they did in the 1980s?
Back when the precursor to the Taliban were the good guys. Just before the CIA sunk their teeth in.
Well-paid Afghan army refused to fight because they don't care about the Taliban either way. Put down guns, go back to the farm, oh well.