Chapters 00:00:12 Chapter 1 - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
01:06:58 Chapter 2 - Secret Societies and the NWO
02:22:45 Chapter 3 - Oath of Initiation of an Unidentified Order
02:29:09 Chapter 4 - Secret Treaty of Verona
02:37:14 Chapter 5 - Goodbye USA, Hello NWO
03:03:25 Chapter 6 - HR 4079 and FEMA
04:22:36 Chapter 7 - Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 HR 5210
04:38:51 Chapter 8 - Are the Sheep Ready to Shear?
04:41:34 Chapter 9 - Anatomy of an Alliance
05:19:03 Chapter 10 - Lessons from Lithuania
05:23:59 Chapter 11 - Coup de Grace
05:47:57 Chapter 12 - The Secret Government
07:37:49 Chapter 13 - Treason in High Places
07:59:25 Chapter 14 - Protocols of the Elders of Zion
10:26:20 Chapter 15 - Ropes of Bondage
Chapter 5 seems depressing. Are you saying the USA will fall and the NWO is inevitable?
It kinda already happened if you ask me.
No. I think there is still hope but it will hinge on the fraudulent resident being tossed out and Trump reinstated. If the election results are not decertified and if people don't resist the NWO it will happen before you can say Vasbyt!
I agree that there is still hope
I believe the good guys have already won, what we are seeing is the NWO being blamed for everything. No matter who won, the economy must come down, the supply chain must stop, so everything can be built around goodly and godly principles.
Umm...look around. We're LIVING it.
Remember this was from 90s iirc, so he knew the plans. Does not mean the plan is going to happen now, its been intercepted. Cooper also knew 9/11 and talked about it before it happened. Right after that, cops came to arrest him and ended up shooting him dead.
I don't think he knew about the Q-team or SOC as Clif High calls it (self-organised collective).