121 Patrick Howley Calling out the Rothschilds on the Georgia Voter Integrity Bill (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Mukzn 3 years ago by Mukzn +121 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
As a life long citizen of GA these parasites can go fuck themselves.
Patrick can dig!
I think southwest airlines execs were included in this
Snapping their fingers and ordering their slave minions into the breech.
The uniformity of evil in the corporate space is due to the singular nature of their owner.
God this time-line gets crazier every week. Wasn't it considered conspiracy theory to even talk about these people existing 20 years ago?
I wonder how long before the vampiric lizard people from planet Xenu come out from the core and start telling people "Don't be silly, we've always been here out in the open, go back to sleep"
They have accounts on social media platforms,
But the masses were unaware of how far they go back in terms of running the global bank cartel.
Is there a list of the companies these corporate execs work for?
Who is selling a range target with Rothschild family members on em?
Askin... for a fren.