Just wait till the gubment cuts these fuckers loose on us and says "Sick Balls!" Fucking skynet shit...
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Like a Tiger Tank from WWII, you gotta hit it in the ass.
Hmmm. How to take out a robot dog?
What about throwing a net over it? Get it all tangled up.
A bucket of salt water?
Paintballs on the front sensors?
Any other bright ideas?
Point a gun right at the guy controlling it.
That's what Chuck Norris would do.
Clip the tail and you’re good haha
Be sure to load out H.E.
API > Get that magnesium and aluminum burning.
I just did a quick search, and came up with this: https://www.iflscience.com/technology/robot-dogs-just-got-a-lethal-dystopian-upgrade/
Yikes! Why do I have this feeling its intended use is domestic?
All that is in my mind is the scenes from Robocop...
It's just a glitch
I have a feeling urban joggers will take care of these for us
Is that a gun for a snout? Distract him while someone puts a plastic explosive on his behind and then see if that won't blow his mind.
One of these suspended from the ceiling might give it pause (paws?) for thought!
No, but that did just give me a thought. Picture a bunch of these running down a street after a crowd of demonstrators. Someone reaches into their pocket and grabs a bunch of neodymium magnets and tosses them onto the pavement. Would they stick to the metal parts and disrupt the electronics?
I suspect not. If you attach a magnet to a piece of metal the magnetic field will tend to go into the metal and not affect anything nearby.
I just wanted to pick them off the ground. That would slow them down.