Try to imagine that Q is saying this, and not marlon or not antony.
Thanks for sharing your view.
despite being inaccurate
How is it inaccurate. It's only inaccurate because of the particular framework that you choose to apply to it. The lens you are applying is what makes it inaccurate.
Now, remove your your glasses and look again. you might find something you didn't see previously.
Also, "bad memes". Well, I never said there aren't poor, crappy or bad memes. I only said that your particular definition or view of what makes for a good meme may be less than omniscient, absolute and the height of correctness.
I mean, surely you are welcome to your view, and to express it, but personally I think its foolish to overly discount the fact that you simply don't get it, most likely because you put TOO MUCH STOCK in your own view.
Myself, I'm actually pretty happy with the series. If only one other pede is uplifted, inspired or feels joy, I'm actually ok with that.
"Marc Antony's rhetorical address to the Roman people is a persuasive argument against Brutus and the other conspirators, an address that discredits them. Rather than acting nobly, Antony argues, the assassins killed Julius Caesar in order to gain the power for themselves." - from the History channel. The HBO/BBC show Rome didn't feature this poem; however the reaction scenes from the Citizens of Rome recounting the events is priceless. I tried to find that scene too, but atlas YT and others weren't so cooperative. That said, I would highly recommend the HBO/BBC show Rome if you have not watched it already. :)
As much as I loathe the phrase, I won't loathing sharing it with you. Suppose we can "agree to disagree", but if I may ask - With me choosing to read the meme through the spirit of the time as well as the spirit of the depths for my context; what context are you choosing to read it in because I found my relatively objective and not so quick to abandon its "spirit of the depths" roots in service of making the message more applicable in the "spirit of the time". The particular framework(s) I have chosen reflect the quote's original context coupled with a current day interpretation - because what else would I have to naturally go off of ? If I may ask another question without looking to demean your character or the discussion itself; have you read "Caesar" by William Shakespeare? Sharing quotes in service to a Message, out of context, in spite of its original meaning ( and yes if you are taking its context from how it is understood in the play, then it certainly could appear to be in spite) are tactics I feel the left/communists use. Although I do not think you to be either of two , Friend; you may understand my continued engagement in our conversation concerning this particular post. :)
"Agreeing to disagree" is really the starting point for real communication. Divergence in viewpoint - different perspectives - are originally intended (by our creator) to yield greater insight, greater learning, and expanding awareness.
The Enemy is the one who takes difference in views, and putting ego, selfishness and all of our fallen nature in the forefront, seeks to use those things to undermine and create division and then destruction.
He can do this when our hearts are not aligned with seeking truth, or insight, at the cost of "self" (or perceived cost of self, because learning the truth and expanding our awareness is actually always beneficial to the true self). When we say "agree to disagree" is the starting point wherein we adopt the attitude and intention: even though we do not see eye-to-eye or have the same focus here, we can, if we pursue with integrity and freedom from ego, actually learn from each other and from the interaction.
As I've mentioned, my context is one of art, or using "shakespeare-like words and tone" to inspire an appreciation for the transcendent nature of the truths, the messages and the spirit that Q provides. To do this, I clothe this "message" in some recognizable turns of phrase, drawing on pre-existing examples of "highlighting the transcendent" that Shakespeare is known and loved for and dressing that message up in them.
I could simply write up the message in shakespeare-like language - I'm pretty capable of that, but without alluding to actual shakespearean plays, scenes and motifs, would it be of any interest to anyone? People know Will, but they do not know Fractal.
Let me return and offer a question to you. Can you think of any actual examples of scenes or dialogs in Will's plays that match perfectly or strongly with a) words or messages that Q has dropped? b) realities and situations that the Great Awakening points us to? c) the Plan?
I've read Julius Caesar, and quite a few of the plays, plus I am fan of the numerous good renditions and translations into film that some have done, particularly in modern times by Brannagh. I am a linguist; and my connections with Sh go back 3 decades. But for me, Shakespeare is mostly about the language and the pointing to the transcendent that it raises in me, the emotional and spiritual response, rather than the other dimensions, such as political or social etc, that others may choose to focus on or resonate with. And I suspect in your case, this might be the case?
To elaborate, I'm more interested in how Antony mobilizes the emotions of his audience and the moral spirit that his character gives expression to than the political and social points he is or may be making. You seem to be drawn particularly to the harder political or social aspects ("the arguments") he is making to his audience.
You may not quite see it like that, which is fine. I'm simply expressing what I see from the angle I am using.
I would not think either of these two approaches is better, more important or more valuable than the other. It's simply what individuals choose to appreciate, focus on or enjoy. This is a natural aspect of art appreciation. Different people see different things.
No..but I may look into them. I'm glad you touched on the agree to disagree sentiment; I wasn't sure how else to convey our divergence. You sound like a transcendental meditation type; maybe some of the evoking of Jung in my last post resonate haha.
After reading your last reply I believe I understand your interpretation better. I don't want to simply your response any but it appears to me where I look for the interepation of the event through context you are resonating with the poetry like almost music. I can certainly abide :) I hope you don't jinx Fate with this particular meme :P (j/k).
Lastly, as it concerns Shakespeare plays that converge with Q info: No, nothing off the top of my head. I try not to go looking and instead let those things manifest in the natural day. I've read my Q posts, I know history and culture - the rest will manifest itself. I think if I went looking I'd risk projecting meaning onto things that may not hold that meaning originally.
EDIT: Okay, one Shakespeare work does come to mind ... The King James Bible. LMAO ...God Bless friend. (If I can find a way to DM you, methinks we could collaborate on some spicey memes.)
I like the exchange. And we are both resonating with our Father in Heaven. Good stuff.
I did use TM for a while in my youth, and then adopted a self-modified method into my own practice a few decades later. I definitely think the TM understanding of our human experience has a contribution to make.
I resonate a LOT more with Jung than with Siggy, that's for sure. I read the i-ching a lot when I was a teenager, and then actually managed to live in South Korea for better part of a decade; Korea is where the principles of the i-ching have been most inculcated into a society and culture (look at the S. Korean flag).
I'm a linguist by training, but have had some study and work in graphic (visual) art.
"King James Bible." Noice.
May His bounty cover us in our limitations, and lead us on towards the unlimited.
DM you can use messages here in GAW (click on profile and then "message") or you can send email via
Try to imagine that Q is saying this, and not marlon or not antony.
Thanks for sharing your view.
How is it inaccurate. It's only inaccurate because of the particular framework that you choose to apply to it. The lens you are applying is what makes it inaccurate.
Now, remove your your glasses and look again. you might find something you didn't see previously.
Also, "bad memes". Well, I never said there aren't poor, crappy or bad memes. I only said that your particular definition or view of what makes for a good meme may be less than omniscient, absolute and the height of correctness.
I mean, surely you are welcome to your view, and to express it, but personally I think its foolish to overly discount the fact that you simply don't get it, most likely because you put TOO MUCH STOCK in your own view.
Myself, I'm actually pretty happy with the series. If only one other pede is uplifted, inspired or feels joy, I'm actually ok with that.
"Marc Antony's rhetorical address to the Roman people is a persuasive argument against Brutus and the other conspirators, an address that discredits them. Rather than acting nobly, Antony argues, the assassins killed Julius Caesar in order to gain the power for themselves." - from the History channel. The HBO/BBC show Rome didn't feature this poem; however the reaction scenes from the Citizens of Rome recounting the events is priceless. I tried to find that scene too, but atlas YT and others weren't so cooperative. That said, I would highly recommend the HBO/BBC show Rome if you have not watched it already. :)
Have you seen any of my other Shakespeare memes (graphics)?
As much as I loathe the phrase, I won't loathing sharing it with you. Suppose we can "agree to disagree", but if I may ask - With me choosing to read the meme through the spirit of the time as well as the spirit of the depths for my context; what context are you choosing to read it in because I found my relatively objective and not so quick to abandon its "spirit of the depths" roots in service of making the message more applicable in the "spirit of the time". The particular framework(s) I have chosen reflect the quote's original context coupled with a current day interpretation - because what else would I have to naturally go off of ? If I may ask another question without looking to demean your character or the discussion itself; have you read "Caesar" by William Shakespeare? Sharing quotes in service to a Message, out of context, in spite of its original meaning ( and yes if you are taking its context from how it is understood in the play, then it certainly could appear to be in spite) are tactics I feel the left/communists use. Although I do not think you to be either of two , Friend; you may understand my continued engagement in our conversation concerning this particular post. :)
Thanks again for your time. God Bless.
"Agreeing to disagree" is really the starting point for real communication. Divergence in viewpoint - different perspectives - are originally intended (by our creator) to yield greater insight, greater learning, and expanding awareness.
The Enemy is the one who takes difference in views, and putting ego, selfishness and all of our fallen nature in the forefront, seeks to use those things to undermine and create division and then destruction.
He can do this when our hearts are not aligned with seeking truth, or insight, at the cost of "self" (or perceived cost of self, because learning the truth and expanding our awareness is actually always beneficial to the true self). When we say "agree to disagree" is the starting point wherein we adopt the attitude and intention: even though we do not see eye-to-eye or have the same focus here, we can, if we pursue with integrity and freedom from ego, actually learn from each other and from the interaction.
As I've mentioned, my context is one of art, or using "shakespeare-like words and tone" to inspire an appreciation for the transcendent nature of the truths, the messages and the spirit that Q provides. To do this, I clothe this "message" in some recognizable turns of phrase, drawing on pre-existing examples of "highlighting the transcendent" that Shakespeare is known and loved for and dressing that message up in them.
I could simply write up the message in shakespeare-like language - I'm pretty capable of that, but without alluding to actual shakespearean plays, scenes and motifs, would it be of any interest to anyone? People know Will, but they do not know Fractal.
Let me return and offer a question to you. Can you think of any actual examples of scenes or dialogs in Will's plays that match perfectly or strongly with a) words or messages that Q has dropped? b) realities and situations that the Great Awakening points us to? c) the Plan?
I've read Julius Caesar, and quite a few of the plays, plus I am fan of the numerous good renditions and translations into film that some have done, particularly in modern times by Brannagh. I am a linguist; and my connections with Sh go back 3 decades. But for me, Shakespeare is mostly about the language and the pointing to the transcendent that it raises in me, the emotional and spiritual response, rather than the other dimensions, such as political or social etc, that others may choose to focus on or resonate with. And I suspect in your case, this might be the case?
To elaborate, I'm more interested in how Antony mobilizes the emotions of his audience and the moral spirit that his character gives expression to than the political and social points he is or may be making. You seem to be drawn particularly to the harder political or social aspects ("the arguments") he is making to his audience.
You may not quite see it like that, which is fine. I'm simply expressing what I see from the angle I am using.
I would not think either of these two approaches is better, more important or more valuable than the other. It's simply what individuals choose to appreciate, focus on or enjoy. This is a natural aspect of art appreciation. Different people see different things.
Looking forward to your reply.
A blessing on you and your loved ones. FI
No..but I may look into them. I'm glad you touched on the agree to disagree sentiment; I wasn't sure how else to convey our divergence. You sound like a transcendental meditation type; maybe some of the evoking of Jung in my last post resonate haha.
After reading your last reply I believe I understand your interpretation better. I don't want to simply your response any but it appears to me where I look for the interepation of the event through context you are resonating with the poetry like almost music. I can certainly abide :) I hope you don't jinx Fate with this particular meme :P (j/k).
Lastly, as it concerns Shakespeare plays that converge with Q info: No, nothing off the top of my head. I try not to go looking and instead let those things manifest in the natural day. I've read my Q posts, I know history and culture - the rest will manifest itself. I think if I went looking I'd risk projecting meaning onto things that may not hold that meaning originally.
EDIT: Okay, one Shakespeare work does come to mind ... The King James Bible. LMAO ...God Bless friend. (If I can find a way to DM you, methinks we could collaborate on some spicey memes.)
I like the exchange. And we are both resonating with our Father in Heaven. Good stuff.
I did use TM for a while in my youth, and then adopted a self-modified method into my own practice a few decades later. I definitely think the TM understanding of our human experience has a contribution to make.
I resonate a LOT more with Jung than with Siggy, that's for sure. I read the i-ching a lot when I was a teenager, and then actually managed to live in South Korea for better part of a decade; Korea is where the principles of the i-ching have been most inculcated into a society and culture (look at the S. Korean flag).
I'm a linguist by training, but have had some study and work in graphic (visual) art.
"King James Bible." Noice.
May His bounty cover us in our limitations, and lead us on towards the unlimited.
DM you can use messages here in GAW (click on profile and then "message") or you can send email via