Please share with all employees
Per President Biden’s Executive Order, all employees of federal contractors are required to provide proof of full vaccination status. All employees of Tyonek Native Corporation and its subsidiaries are subject to this mandate. All employees will be required to complete the Federal Certification of Vaccination Form which will be sent to you via Paycom.
In accordance with the Executive Order on Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, Tyonek is adopting this policy to comply with the requirements that all employees assigned to a federal contract and who work in support of a federal contract be vaccinated, and to safeguard the health of our employees and their families; our customers and visitors; and the community at large from COVID-19. In accordance with the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force all contract, subcontract, and support employees working at a federal workplace or working under a covered contract will be required to conform to the following workplace safety protocols: Ø COVID-19 vaccination of covered contractor employees, except in limited circumstances where an employee is legally entitled to an accommodation. Ø Compliance by individuals, including covered contractor employees and visitors, with the guidance related to masking and physical distancing while in covered contractor workplaces. Mask and social distancing are currently required at all federal locations. Ø Contractors are required to check the CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker County View website weekly for community transmission information in all areas where they have a covered contractor workplace to determine the proper workplace safety protocols. Ø Designation by covered contractors of a person or persons to coordinate COVID-19 workplace safety efforts at covered contractor workplaces. Employees covered by Executive Order 14042 who fail to comply with a requirement to be fully vaccinated or provide proof of vaccination and have neither received an exception nor have an exception request under consideration, are in violation of a lawful order. Employees who violate lawful orders are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
The timeline to comply is as follows:
Manufacturer 1st dose no later than 2nd dose no later than Date fully vaccinated Johnson & Johnson November 24th N/A December 8th Pfizer November 3rd November 24th December 8th Moderna October 27th November 24th December 8th
We appreciate your efforts to maintain compliance with this federal mandate. A list of Frequently Asked Questions is attached. Once you have reviewed this information, you may direct any questions to
I'll answer this because I have the same type of job and am just waiting to get this notification:
1: Prepare a religious exemption form and prepare your finances for a bit of a break from work. Make the form sincere not copy paste stuff.
2: Make them fire you but when that deadline approaches they will realize that their entire company will crash if they force the Vax and will walk it back. No corporation in the country can survive losing 20 to 35% of its workers.
Option 2a: Outright lie about getting the Vax to play their game
3: Apply for other jobs and strap yourself in. I suspect the end game will only be a few months into next year or earlier because the federal civilians, military, and contractors on top of state workers cannot survive a loss of that many employees and will be forced to higher back or collapse. They love money they won't want to collapse.
Also guys it is time to get realistic: If this doesn't turn around in 6 months or less no one will have a job and economy will be in free fall. There are about 4 million leaving the work force each month and that will be a low estimate once these deadlines hit. They won't win and the rockies things get the greater chance they lose their money and eventually their lives if people get desperate enough. Either way quit sweating these deadlines, cut back your expenses and prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Don't comply.
I have a 6 figure job, a kid on the way, 2 cars, multiple mortgaged and I'm still getting ready to ride out at least 6 months. Hell at this point I welcome the break
Start submitting your resume to somewhere else ASAP!
I received my notice too: get jabbed by 12/08 or get fired. Even if you get a medical or religious exemption, you’ll still need to do frequent testing. F*** that.
He can give in and we all suffer. Or downsize and reduce debt but hell I have zero debt and live in an abandoned house. With zero services. I will always have food and sheckles. I’m a contractor. And I know how to hunt. Maybe they should take the shot,..... I’ll move into a better house when the boomers and the clot shot victims cause house prices to devalue. <<<<<
Find another job. That's what you do.
And then hopefully half of the employees of your company have the same resolve and determination to work for companies who share their view on informed consent and medical freedom, so your current employer goes bankrupt.
And then the company you work for is able to acquire the assets of your current (now bankrupt) employer's company for pennies on the dollar, and hire more unvaccinated people.
The vaccine is just an IQ test.
Don't fail it.
You don't have an intrinsic human right to work at a certain place, or live in a certain place, if you find a job in Florida or Texas make a change in your life, relocate, and enjoy the legal and legislative shields they have started to erect against this medical totalitarianism.
Start a business stop working for COMMIES GEEEEEEZZZZZZ
What everybody seems to be forgetting is, we have a Constitution that prevents such tyranny. Sure, the evil ones will try to scare you, they will bow up and act threatening, they will try to huff and puff and blow your house down. But fortunately, we have this amazing document called the Constitution of the United States and it guarantees our God given freedoms. So bottom line, they can only exercise power over you if you allow them to. Consider amendments 9 and 14 section 1 in terms of this particular situation.
Also, if you care to, take a look at this affidavit. Prepared by constitutionalists who have won hundreds of cases in US courts, it is a fill in the blank style you can tailor to your own situation. Get it fast as the links don't last long. I will warn you, this document is LONG, so you may want to edit some of the extraneous stuff. But you might want to start here. Also, look for a poster here called 20-guage. She has tones of resources that might help you. You can also check with attorney Thomas Renz and America's Frontline Doctors for guidance. Good luck and keep us posted, please.
Then they give you a Q and A section:
Federal Contractors COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Q&A Q: Am I required to complete the Certification of Vaccination form? A: Yes, if you do not complete the Certification of Vaccination form you will be considered unvaccinated and will be subject to loss of ability to work on or in conjunction with federal contracts. Q: How do I complete the Certification of Vaccination Form? A: Tyonek will distribute the Certification of Vaccination Form through Paycom. Employees will need to log into their Paycom Employee Self-Service and complete and submit the form. Q: How do I provide proof of my vaccination status? A: You will be able to upload a copy of one of the following documents: a copy of the record of immunization from a heath care provider or pharmacy, a copy of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (CDC Form MSL-319813_r), a copy of medical records documenting the vaccination, a copy of immunization records from a public health ore State immunization information system, or a copy of any other official documentation verifying vaccination with information on the vaccine name, date(s) of administration, and the name of the health care professional or clinic site administering vaccine. Digital copies and/or photos are acceptable. Q: Are there exceptions to the requirement for all employees to be fully vaccinated? A: You must be fully vaccinated other than in limited circumstances where the law requires an exception. Tyonek may be required to provide a reasonable accommodation to employees who communicate they are not vaccinated against COVID-19 because of a disability or because of a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. Determining whether an exception is legally required will include consideration of factors such as the basis for the claim; the nature of the employee’s job responsibilities; and the reasonably foreseeable effects on Tyonek’s operations, including protecting other employees and the public from COVID-19. Q: What do I do if I want to request a medical or sincerely held religious belief accommodation request? A: You will have to complete a request for accommodation and participate in an interactive process. If the accommodation does not cause an undue hardship on the company and the employee provides all requested documentation, then an accommodation may be granted. If an accommodation is granted the employee may subject to weekly COVID-19 testing, would be required to wear a mask, and social distance from others. In some cases, the nature of the employee’s job may be such that Tyonek determines that no safety protocol other than vaccination is adequate. In such circumstances, Tyonek may deny the requested accommodation. The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force will provide additional information/guidance on this matter. Q: What happens if I ask for an accommodation and the request is denied? A: You would be required to receive the first (or, if a one-dose series, only) dose within two (2) weeks of the final determination to deny the accommodation. If receiving a two (2)-dose series, you must receive the second dose within six (6) weeks of receiving the first dose. Q: If I had COVID-19 am I required to get vaccinated? A: Yes, an employee who has had a prior COVID-19 infection is required to be fully vaccinated. If the illness was recent and the employee is still experiencing symptoms, then the vaccination may be
delayed until the employee has recovered from the acute illness and has satisfied the CDC guidance to discontinue isolation. Q: What if I received an antibody test. Will that prove my vaccination status? A: No. A covered employer cannot accept a recent antibody test from a covered employee to prove vaccination status or natural immunity. Q: Can I delay getting a COVID-19 vaccine if I recently received another vaccine, such as the seasonal influenza vaccine? A: COVID-19 vaccines may be administered without regard to timing of other vaccines. This includes simultaneous administration of COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines on the same day. Q: What if I received the monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma for COVID-19 treatment. Do I still have to get vaccinated? A: Yes, the first dose of a two (2)-dose series must be taken 90 days after the treatment date. Q: What happens if I refuse to be vaccinated or provide proof of vaccination? A: Employees covered by Executive Order 14042 who fail to comply with a requirement to be fully vaccinated or provide proof of vaccination and have neither received an exception nor have an exception request under consideration, are in violation of a lawful order. Employees who violate lawful orders are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Tyonek is a covered federal contractor and therefor is required to have vaccinated employees. Note: Guidance states, employees who are terminated for failure to vaccinate and employees who resign due to vaccination requirements may not be eligible for unemployment. Q: Does the policy apply to me if I work remote or if I do not work directly on a federal contract site? A: Yes. This requirement applies to all covered federal contract employees regardless of where they are performing the work. This requirement also applies to anyone who perform duties “in connection with” the necessary performance of the covered contract, but who are not directly engaged in performing the specific work called for by the covered contract, such as human resources, accounting, IT, purchasing, contracts, proposals, business development, administration, and legal (NOTE: this is not a complete list of impacted positions). Q: Does this requirement apply in States or localities that seek to prohibit compliance with any of the workplace safety protocols set for in the Task Force Guidance for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors? A: Yes. These requirements are promulgated pursuant to Federal law and supersede any State or local law or ordinance. Additionally, nothing in the Task Force Guidance shall excuse noncompliance with any applicable State law or municipal ordinance establishing more protective workplace safety protocols than those established under the Task Force Guidance. If you would like additional information, please visit If you have questions or need to discuss an accommodation request, please contact Human Resources at
If you google their requested form: CDC Form MSL-319813_r it will take you to your very own copy to fill out. I'm not recommending you do this, but it's easy enough. Some people are not in a financial position to just quit. I self identify as a doctor and gave myself a jab so I and my girl could get into her Dave Matthews concert.
There is no executive order.
Fortunately for my situation I retired this year after 26 years in a career that will give me a retirement income for the rest of my life. My house is paid for and I can survive on my retirement alone. But this new career I started pays good money and has been nice so far. I’d hate to lose this job but I don’t need it. I just think it’s horrible that this unconstitutional mandate is scaring people into doing something and putting something in their bodies that they don’t wasn’t and threatening their livelihoods because of it.
In newzealand and i believe in the US vaccine mandates are not Law,the people inforce it in to Law is the consent,.we are under no obligation to consent,if someone consents that vaccine mandates becomes law but only to him/her the newzealand (govt) is a corporation, and so is the nz police,their Legal system is Maritime Law a contracts Law,the peoples Law is Common Law,.The Crown Law ,or Maritime law has no power on the Land,Common law has all the power as it is The Law of the Land,i know its a bit mixed up but you get my drift.!
Start looking for another job. Don't quit. Make them fire you
If you have marketable skills, consider making your own job. It pays a lot more, once you are established. I'm retired but am working a side hustle for myself making more money than I ever made working for someone else.
It might be hard at first, but people are willing to pay big bucks to someone who can do a job quickly and correctly. Be the best, and you won't even have to advertise much. I don't advertise at all. Just word of mouth.
I belive the US is a corporation also so should basically have the same Law,.I know the US has Common Law,,.do some research over here in NZ common law rules,.~~~~
First....DO NOT QUIT
Throughout the process, pray. Pray. Pray to God to rid the world of Covid and the Vaccines. Pray to God for strength to get through this. Pray to God for guidance.
All of this information should be searchable here.
Scary, I am a remote worker right now. But I see they don't give a crap. No freaking logic. 🙏
Which proves it has nothing to do with health and is only about submitting.