Why do you wear a mask? I politely asked a man who seemed urbane and intelligent.
He went into stunned, outraged shock for a few seconds and shot back with: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
Then realised that was lame and asked: Why don't you?!
Because they don't work.
Was going to add more about the dangers of wearing one but he dashed away, so I called out "Keep the narrative going" after him.
So much for men being rational and unemotional.
The null hypothesis needs no explanation, it just is.
I dont have to justify to you why I dont shoot up with random mystery chemicals. That the question is being asked at all is absurdity. But you sure as hell cant explain why you do. Which is why the anger, the deflections, the hysterics.
Masks are the same.
I blame soy. And the media.
And all the estrogen in water.from birth control pills
I just figured ugly people are the ones still wearing masks.
When asked would I like a mask. I reply I don’t wear BURKA.
You will come to understand that they deny their own material existence, and all of reality. Rationality has never stepped foot inside their heads. Everything they ‘know’ is based on memorising what a powerful authority told them.
Sadly true. Few think or question. Easier to be spoonfed.
Shoot him (and his sort) back the same answer when they challenge you about why you're not vaxxed...
I've started doing this: when I see someone without a mask and even before they see me, I stand talI, look at their eyes, and say nothing. I wait for them to look at me, then see what their response is. Most can't look you in the eye. No one has yet dared to say a word to me about being maskless.
Own the room, folks. It's easy and it's non-confrontational...and it still gets the point across.
I give them my most bemused smile. Maskless people get complemented on their lovely faces / smiles.
That's how I felt for a long time. Still do but I don't react, I try to engage people: win some, lose some. Just don't quietly accept.