519 Pyramid will fall - Q (media.greatawakening.win) Cabal History posted 3 years ago by Loupis757 3 years ago by Loupis757 +521 / -2 189 comments download share 189 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
he does look like soros- https://duckduckgo.com/?q=david+rockefeller&va=b&t=hr&iax=images&iar=images&ia=images
For sure - they do look related. Cousins or better. Maybe not, but the resemblance is strong.
I liked this answer. ☝🏼 👍 🤣
Did you ever see the movie "They Live!", a John Carpenter movie from the 80's starring Rowdy Roddy Piper? if you haven't, it is a cool movie (good for October, too), and reminds me of your answer.
The suit doesn't fit right anymore