lol, i said you weren't allowed to fuck or jerk off because your body releases chemicals into your brain that alters your state of consciousness...
which you defined as bad.
i asked you if you drink coffee or alcohol, you lied and said no so i figured i'd hit you with the sex drugs.
i happen to have a rather normal sex life but thanks for asking. i've got a girlfriend young enough to be my daughter if i started early, i can barely keep up with her and i'm having the time of my life.
i just wanted to assure you that smoking a little weed every now and then isn't this horrible thing you think it is, and shoving your religion down people's throats isn't helping your case.
lol, i said you weren't allowed to fuck or jerk off because your body releases chemicals into your brain that alters your state of consciousness...
which you defined as bad.
i asked you if you drink coffee or alcohol, you lied and said no so i figured i'd hit you with the sex drugs.
i happen to have a rather normal sex life but thanks for asking. i've got a girlfriend young enough to be my daughter if i started early, i can barely keep up with her and i'm having the time of my life.
i just wanted to assure you that smoking a little weed every now and then isn't this horrible thing you think it is, and shoving your religion down people's throats isn't helping your case.
Gen 1:!2
damn. thats shoving for you? lol. good luck, snowie. i tried
sorry weren't you the one typing in all giant ass letters about god in a topic that had nothing to do with religion?
So did you shut yourself every time Q posted a Bible quote? Asking for a friend.
That friend may or may not be a priest.
"it's going to be biblical" isn't exclusive to religious terminology, it's a movie quote (law abiding citizen).