413 Addicts: Before and After (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by LanaForge 3 years ago by LanaForge +419 / -6 145 comments download share 145 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You keep conflating spiritualism with religion.
I did the same for a long time for many of the reasons you have cited.
“Opiate for the masses.”
The “Higher Power” bit isn’t dependent on whatever religion you have a grudge on.
Again - why are you dodging the Armor of God stuff from Q?
Btw I’m not going to speak for God and what the limits and all there are. I do know the experiences I have had.
How many coincidences until mathematically impossible.
i told you exactly why, you just didn't like the answer.
we don't need to be in an "anti-satanists" religion to oppose perverted evil satanists.
religion is used as a rallying point, something to unite behind.
i don't believe in god, i don't believe in satan either... but some people do, and some of those people do some horrific shit.
i don't have to believe in god to believe the shit those people are doing is wrong.
...but some people do, and i'm not against that.