So, my wife is a cancer survivor. Almost 4 years now cancer free. She went through months of chemo followed by radiation. During her chemo, due to the aggressive nature of her cancer, she was given an option of treatments and the one that was finally decided upon - she was allergic to... After the treatment, for two months she went through a tremendous amount of pain and was extremely ill. It was the most helpless and frightening experience of my life and the most terrifying and painful of hers...To give you an example; her hands swelled to the point that the skin split as it couldn't stretch any further...
Well, through a video I found, I learned some of the patent numbers for what the jabs contain....(as you certainly won't learn through "informed consent.") and wouldn't you know it, the vaccines contain the drug it was determined she was allergic to in the chemo treatment. It is in them to help suppress the immune system.
We printed off the information from the moderna and pfizer websites and she took it to her oncologists. You see, her workplace has mandated that she take the jab or be fired.
She was immediately informed that the jabs do not contain the drug she is allergic to.... WTF! She was told that she was crazy, as there is no need for a "chemo drug to be in them." So, she produced the patents and printed material from the MANUFACTURERS websites proving the drug was in fact an integral part of the jab and warning that someone in her situation might be endangered by it.
The doctors took the printed info from her and retreated to a back room. One hour later they returned and told her that the government guidelines they are instructed to follow say that they cannot give her a medical exemption until after she takes the first jab, and they are able to see what her reaction will be!
She immediately said, "The reaction might be my death!"
Didn't matter... she was told the guidelines had to be followed.
End result: no exemption, no sympathy, no empathy, no intelligent decision making by the professionals entrusted with her health, no job and no F___ING JAB!
This is just crazy. The writing is on the wall. If they want to make it such that every person has cancer, then this is exactly what they would be doing - pushing carcinogenics in vaccines. It even fits the graph, thats how blatant they are.
Not just cancer community, every aspect of medicine. I dont know if you have read/listened to Eustace Mullins book I highly recommend this:
Personally between myself, my wife and my parents, I cannot even count how many times we have been sent down the path of a surgery or very invasive procedures just to get second, third opinion, and in my mum's case two dozen doctors over 2 decades and all kinds of procedures (including injections into the eyes) before she finally managed to solve her serious problem with a natural healer in 2 weeks. Of course, its a different story that after she got vaxxed, the problem returned.
Long back I learnt that if I did not put private insurance information during a doctor visit I usually would receive better advice. I never realised how corrupted the system was until now.
Autism rates are almost identical which is also jacked up.
The commonality is toxicity. Du Pont etc all tie back to the same circles and overlaps with Food and Drugs.
Personally I was able to RedPill my mother who was on 30+ medications into taking better care of herself. She’s now off Painkillers and only takes 5 meds. That’s a hell of a turnaround and she’s way happier.
One only need look at how the medical community injects kids with vaccines without even telling their parents what to look out for and what to do if the kids have a reaction. That’s not medicine. That not science. That’s Evil served up on the Altar of something dark.
My 29 yr old daughter is victim of Vaxx autism , before I was awake, ! I found out 20 years ago I was never vaxxed as a baby ,, I always wondered why I never ,I mean never ever had a cold or flu , it all makes sense to me now , wish I knew 29 yrs ago! my youngest daughter 28 is not vaxxed ! She was always so happy and proud that I fought the schools etc , signing medical wavers ,, no poison in me she used to tell her friends , my mom is smart she declared , especially watching her sister she knew the affects! ,, university and social media later , my 28 yr old tells me , I’m crazy and ridiculous , the covid jab is safe , she took the jab , I’m gobsmacked , heartbreaking!
It’s going to do a number on people when they realize that bioweapons are real and that China did this intentionally along with the elite. When they sort out the weapons can target specific genes it will be hugely upsetting.
I sure wish I was never vaccinated. My kids are clean. My 6 year old girl def has autism and i suspect she was given Hep B vax without my permission as a newborn.
I just pray for Grace now. This is all upsetting and I know more and much worse is coming. This is all just prep work.
I know of so many newborns who were given this without moms consent ,, it is now so prevalent, some moms are speaking to hospital admin nurses etc ,asking them to sign documents that they won’t , I’m sorry nearly 30 yrs for me and my daughter !
Fren, check out this video where Andreas Kalcker explains how he cures autism.
China released the covid genetic sequence which is what's used in this mRNA vaccine.
Holy Fuck that went dark fast! I was getting the feel goods, then BAM! WTF! wow I'm sorry....and baffled. as I'm sure you are...amazing.
And all this apart from the whole mental health stuff. The kinda drugs they put kids on these days is just crazy. I am glad to hear your mum is going better with less medication. It makes my blood boil whenever I go back and discover just just much of a fraud the whole medical science is - and yet for most people its walking around with their eyes closed.
I can see your logic with ADD / ADHD.
Autism is entirely differently.
Baby is in a crib crying. Normal baby hears mom coming and can make that connection that “hey this happened last time so inherently she’s on the way”.
Autism takes that away. The baby will just keep crying and even when mom gets there keep crying cuz now there are emotions the baby doesn’t know how to handle and no matter how much mom consoles the baby - a meltdown of emotions the baby can’t make sense of.
I’ve had people like you look at me.