Because it's the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November... That's always election day.
So open your calendar, go to November in any year. Find the first Monday, then the day after that is election day. You will note that this year it's the 2nd. Next year it's the 8th because the 1st is a Tuesday and the first Monday is the 7th.
This shit is elementary school level civics.
11/8/22, 11/7/23, 11/5/24 (leap year so one less day in the year)
Do you understand what an "observance" day is? Election day is a national observance day. Apple doesn't codify in law that national elections must be held on that day. They are just noting that it's a day of observance.
Why? Because every year, on that day, even or odd numbered years, elections are held in parts of the country. It's the day of the year that everyone (except you) understands is the day that elections are held: The next Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Why you've chosen this as the hill to die on, I don't understand. But here we are, your ego refusing to let you acknowledge that the federal law and a day marked on your calendar are not mutually exclusive. Elections must only be held on even numbered years because that's what it says in the federal law, ignoring the fact that nearly every state has adopted that same day as election day. Colloquially making that day of the year special enough to be nationally observed as the day of elections; independently of what federal law says.
Elections are held every year. Actually. Factually. There are results to prove it, which I've shown you. But go on about how Apple calendar dictates the law on federal elections.
This is an off-year election
Can't show you 2023 because it's in the future and hasn't happened yet.
Because it's the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November... That's always election day.
So open your calendar, go to November in any year. Find the first Monday, then the day after that is election day. You will note that this year it's the 2nd. Next year it's the 8th because the 1st is a Tuesday and the first Monday is the 7th.
This shit is elementary school level civics.
11/8/22, 11/7/23, 11/5/24 (leap year so one less day in the year)
Do you understand what an "observance" day is? Election day is a national observance day. Apple doesn't codify in law that national elections must be held on that day. They are just noting that it's a day of observance.
Why? Because every year, on that day, even or odd numbered years, elections are held in parts of the country. It's the day of the year that everyone (except you) understands is the day that elections are held: The next Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Why you've chosen this as the hill to die on, I don't understand. But here we are, your ego refusing to let you acknowledge that the federal law and a day marked on your calendar are not mutually exclusive. Elections must only be held on even numbered years because that's what it says in the federal law, ignoring the fact that nearly every state has adopted that same day as election day. Colloquially making that day of the year special enough to be nationally observed as the day of elections; independently of what federal law says.
Elections are held every year. Actually. Factually. There are results to prove it, which I've shown you. But go on about how Apple calendar dictates the law on federal elections.
There are a variety of elections every year. Typically local or state level elected positions. Federal elections are every two years.
I never stated "national elections"