DWACU https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacu
Born on 9/3/2021 Stock price $10.17
DWACW https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacw
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $0.51
DWAC https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwac
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $10.50
Just buy a couple of GME shares on ComputerShare and hold.
If you buy three shares you’ll be spending roughly $575 for the chance to have generational wealth. In the long term $575 is nothing.
This is the way.
Where can you find good info about direct registering to conputershare for total newbies? I’ve been holding on Robinhood for awhile now but I know I should get out of it.. I’ve searched it online but am not sure which explanation is correct or which one to follow. Appreciate any direction!
Superstonk has guides for it. First though you need to dump RobinHood and get on Fidelity. I have Fidelity and WeBull.
I have shares in Fidelity, WeBull and ComputerShare.
You don’t even need to transfer shares into Computershare. You can buy stock from them directly. It’s done by the book though so it takes longer.