HAPPENING ....Police officers are leaving in masses....
More than 70% police officers have left the US city's police force....
What happens now?...
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

I'm pretty sure this is exactly what they want to happen lol. I don't really consider this a positive. I mean it is the right thing to do as an individual in their positions, but it will lead to the lawlessness that the enemy craves.
Then the Military intervention when it becomes uncontrollable perhaps...?
Yep...the actual military...not the mainstream illusion
Actual martial law....
Would be actual lawfulness of any flavor in the government. It would be a massive improvement.
The exact problem we have here is that the politicians in charge are not actually following any law, and using the law a selective weapon to bash their enemies.
I would rather have boots marching the streets enforcing laws, but doing so equally, than this selective anarchy.
Who are the soldiers in the actual military?
Do you think its going to stay that way?... Criminals are mostly opportunistic in my experience...
Then we need to turn those rioters on those making the rules dont we?