The medical industry is by and large a Godless entity. Especially in modern times. The vast majority of doctors out there are like horse with blinders on. They know nothing about the healing properties of food and nutrition. Barely even consider it in their analysis. The only thing they know is prescription drugs. I can't think of another industry that has damaged the United States more than the medical and pharmaceuticals.
And that is taking into consideration the war mongering politicians. Even they don't stand a chance against the mass murder, addiction and mental health destruction that "doctors" cause every year.
And the left went from "health care is a right!" To "health Care is a privilege of the vAcCinAtEd"
The end won't be for everyone makes more and more sense daily.
I go see my doctor yearly but I study natural health, I study both and know the concepts of science and medicine enough I prevent my issues. When I needed my gallbladder out I learned to take magnesium to stimulate my stock and clear up the stones. I mostly treat myself but I do like the idea of other options for major issues like injuries especially. Most everything can be either prevented or treated at home. I take a dizzying amount of preventatives and supplements and it’s something you spend years studying. My diet is pristine, people complain of the cost of healthy food but it’s not more costly than getting sucked up into pharmacy and needing medication or costly treatments. Also I don’t buy junk food, my treats are top notch produce. I grew up on a farm, we had fresh beef and garden foods. Can’t go back. We learned to be healthy first with plenty of activity. When I moved to the city I was shocked at what the poor eat here and I try my best to teach them.
Well the junk/bad food is cheaper and all that some families can afford to feed their kids. May be why food good for you costs more, so they can keep people in bad health and then eventually need big pharma to cure them. It all seems to circle back around to them doesn’t it?
YES! YES! YES! Bravo to you u/Belowzero!
We eat as clean as possible and are on no meds except ivermectin and vitamins.
I’m all alone and when I got sick I had to learn a whole new way of living. Drs got my money but I saved my soul and my physical self ON MY OWN; new diet, new everything. Hardest thing I’ve ever done but I’m ALIVE.
OMG! I'm so sorry you had to endure this u/Phishhed44!
It's a popular saying but oh so true...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Happened a couple of times in my life and I believe when we suffer bad times God is refining us like metal in a forge to make a fine high quality steel. There's a scripture about this just can't remember at the moment.
I believe you have achieved your refinement by God because of your comments and the way you conduct yourself here. A wonderful soul who has compassion for others.
Perhaps you should write a blog or a book to help teach others on what you did to survive. Congratulations fren! Well done! I know you are here for a reason. book’s about 60% done actually!!! Your kind words made my day; TY 🙏💕. I sunk into deep depression as of late (daughter got jabbed) and kinda throttled-back here. You are a JOY.