221 Now you know. Dumbass (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by cody17 3 years ago by cody17 +222 / -1 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Did Alec kill someone? i r confuse.
Yep. An accident where he shot someone with a prop gun on a movie set. I dead, 1 injured
Damn, do another few day hiatus from the net and Alec goes and kills someone. Honestly not even surprised.
This is the rare occasion I am thinking this is purely comms and no one died.
Dead = Tribunal death sentence, Injured = Prison sentence. Those names are probably fake to reference specific people.
I could be wrong but this story seems far too absurd and the background of the dead victim literally sounds like a spy asset.
You say accident, I say assassinate but eh... https://greatawakening.win/p/13zzHi75jJ/alec-baldwin-murdered-an-underco/