Why does Durham matter if military is the only way? Can he recommend military trials?
Don’t really know what he has the power to do Edit Thx for the sticky. Have been wondering about corrupt judges etc
I've pushed this for years, everyone think it's stupid.
#1 Does it really make sense to build a weapon you couldn't defend against if someone else made one?
#2 How come, with all the shit that's gone on since their invention, nobody has actually used a nuke on anyone else minus WW2?
How are people living where we dropped those nukes
I've seen comparison photos of Hiroshima after the bomb and present day and it is very 21st Century.. In the same time period, it showed Detroit after WW2 and now... democrat run city...nuff said..
Shouldnt it be uninhabitable
Radiation levels today are considered no different from normal anywhere on earth. It's a bustling city of over 1m residents. Population returned to pre-1945 levels by mid-50s. The bomb was detonated in mid-air, to maximize the physical 'shock' effect, and most of the radioactivity rose up with the mushroom cloud. Compared to (eg) Chernobyl, where tons of radioactive material was involved, the bomb that dropped on Hiroshima contained relatively small amounts of radioactive material. Also, Hiroshima was hit with uranium, less deadly than the plutonium used in Nagasaki.