I finally got around to watching all of this today.
I know there is a lot of hype about this information and that information. However, this video struck something deep and powerful in me.
TLDR: Link at the bottom
As soon as I watched it, I felt guided, or compelled, to share it with a person working with the government providers who I only first spoke with today. I sent him a link, with the following message. I have never done this before: shared this sort of information with an almost total stranger with whom my connection has nothing to do with any similarity of interests.
Hello Scott,
Thanks for your call today. I appreciate the work you are doing, and the assistance you show an obvious intention to provide. I greatly appreciate that.
I have one request. Please watch the video in this link. Please spend a few minutes at least, and see if it means anything to you.
If it does, please consider sharing this on to someone else you may know, who may benefit.
I truly believe we are in this together.
I use the catch phrase "in this together" because that is the slogan the elites are pushing at us, but they are lying. They are NOT in this with us. We, however, ARE in this together. Because WWG1WGA is the fundamental truth.
I am sharing it to people and asking them to share it with just ONE other person. I'm not asking "share this as widely as you can" or "Make this go viral".
Because I feel very strongly that this must be a personal sharing, from one person to another. That's why I shared it with Scott.
I recommend the same. Share it to one person, and ask them simply to share it with ONE other, if they think it will benefit that person. Make it sincere, and real, and an honest, heartfelt communication.
Myself, I heard 'about' this Video from around 4 different sources before I invested the energy to watch it. No one recommended it to me. They just mentioned it. That's often the case for me. A very significant video, or document, does the rounds, and I hear about it, but because of time and so many other things to attend to, I don't get to it. But when I hear about it from a 3rd or 4th source, a random friend, colleague or anon, etc., I recognize, "uh oh, I'd better look at this." I do this because I believe that, collectively, these are a sign that Heaven wants me to look at it.
We are in a cosmic war. It's not just here, it's in the spiritual realms as well. One has to pay attention to both the flesh realm and the spiritual realm, imo.
If you watch this video, consider sharing it with one or more people.
Monopoly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNg3Vnfu4Pk
Backups Rumble https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html
To be fair, the jews run the banks which really are running the show since they print the money.
But this video is for normies, not us. So it’s perfect.
Even the narrator said it himself: the information necessary to explain the control structure would require going through the histories and explain their true motives - and most of that includes satanic blackmail crazy shit that is too heavy for the normies to grasp.
Bankers are not even the true tip of the pyramid - it’s the satanists.
The bankers are just the top of the main pyramid of control for us peasants.
The controllers have their own pyramid and that’s an entire other rabbit hole
In reality, Lord Rothschild 'and Friends' run the FED banks. Are They Jewish? No; they don't even claim to be.
Satanists on steroids? More likely.
I doubt 'da Joose' are the big boogeyman here. They sure make themselves into a great scapegoat though... for some reason... in a painfully obvious way.
Almost as if on purpose; propped up, just to be torn down when the time is right. Idk. Most people that say it's all the Jews are retarded and (((Look Like Faggots))), Imo
Btw Rothschilds are jewish and historically have claimed to be. So not sure where the difference in intel is but that’s a well known point of history
Khazarians is somewhat more accurate a term.
This. When (((they))) are blamed or referenced for running things, the image is of Jewish people generally, or the Jewish religion. The people running things, despite their claims or words, are really neither. The closest you might come is the modern state of Israel, but that's still largely "Jewish in name only" in terms of supplanting world governments through usury and engineering war.
It's Phoenicians, or Khazars. Realistically they follow the Baal Tanit cult of Carthage.
The other big secret is that they are all intermarried, so it's one big family.
That's how all the US presidents are related, or Kristen Stewart plays Princess Diana. The Stewart's were dukes, so chances are they are cousins.
Exactly. I think a more accurate and “normie acceptable” way to say it is that its the Phonecians or just call them “the families”. However one thing i can say is they aint christians
Right and to deal with absolutes is foolish anyways.
Evil knows no bounds.
But we have to understand the globalist satanists and how they utilize Judaism as a shield (whether they truly believe they’re “gods chosen people” or not, they wear the hat)
I completely agree....but it was almost a shill level response.... Trying to make it seem like the video was bunk.... I told the commenter that the info can be verified. Some people just hate themselves and vomit that hatred on everyone else....