Please quit bashing people ON OUR SIDE who are helping us wake up normies and put an END to the evil, just because they don't use the same WORDS you would.
Seriously: Stop the bashing of anyone who doesn't talk like a Fundamentalist. Stop bashing outright athiests, or Jews, or Hindus, or gays or blacks or ANY OTHER GROUP who have a slightly different viewpoint or culture or religious belief than you do.
You have YOUR religion. Other people have THEIRS.
That doesn't mean they aren't part of the team. It doesn't mean they don't follow Christ's commandment to "Love thy neighbor" -- maybe better than you do. Proseletize if you must but keep the insults to yourself.
"There is one religion, human religion, but any number of faiths."
That's great and I don't have any problem with your religious beliefs.
But do you really need to insult those who are working to help end tyranny and happen to have different beliefs? Is that helpful in any way?
For that matter, I don't see any indication from Cadace's post that she's not as staunch a Christian as I assume you are. She used the word "goodness" instead of God in a particular sentence -- and you had to insult her for that? It just seems unnecessary and counter-productive.
Please quit bashing people ON OUR SIDE who are helping us wake up normies and put an END to the evil, just because they don't use the same WORDS you would.
Seriously: Stop the bashing of anyone who doesn't talk like a Fundamentalist. Stop bashing outright athiests, or Jews, or Hindus, or gays or blacks or ANY OTHER GROUP who have a slightly different viewpoint or culture or religious belief than you do.
You have YOUR religion. Other people have THEIRS.
That doesn't mean they aren't part of the team. It doesn't mean they don't follow Christ's commandment to "Love thy neighbor" -- maybe better than you do. Proseletize if you must but keep the insults to yourself.
"There is one religion, human religion, but any number of faiths." Gandhi
Only when we stand together,
only when we are united,
can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.
I agree, these types of people are going to have a rude awakening when they realize "The ending isn't for everyone".
Any day now.......
I have no interest in standing for anything other than what I personally care about. Not a shill, just have an unrelenting opinion.
That's great and I don't have any problem with your religious beliefs.
But do you really need to insult those who are working to help end tyranny and happen to have different beliefs? Is that helpful in any way?
For that matter, I don't see any indication from Cadace's post that she's not as staunch a Christian as I assume you are. She used the word "goodness" instead of God in a particular sentence -- and you had to insult her for that? It just seems unnecessary and counter-productive.
The Synogogue of Satan Jews are the secret Satanists