Xiden creates a logical fallacy by equating TV commercials with reality:
Based on small glimpses of culture, one might assume half or more of all relationships involve some sort of race-mixing. If a person who had no information about the US or Europe were to see our television, magazine, billboard, and storefront advertisements, he might assume there were virtually zero normal white men anywhere to be found. The combination of white women with black men is hands down, the most common mixed-race couple depicted in advertising; that combination will be the focus of this essay.
A study of over two million online dating interactions revealed distinct racial preferences between groups. White women responded most frequently to white men, and least frequently to black men. Sexually transmitted disease rates per the 2016 Center for Disease Control speak for themselves.
In terms of combined median incomes of interracial marriages, black husbands with white wives earned the lowest amount of any other combination. The black husband and white wife combination were also the least educated. Of the interracial combinations, marriages between whites and blacks were found to be the least stable, and the most likely to result in divorce. The divorce rate is higher in all interracial marriages for white women relative to a white marriage.
A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.
A 2013 study of intimate partner violence in relationships, surveyed nearly ten-thousand people, the authors hypothesized that interracial couples would experience higher levels of violence compared to intra-racial relationships. They found that compared to white relationships, both black couples and interracial couples experience statistically significant higher levels of relationship violence.
There are plenty of studies that show race mixing is dygenic, here you go https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_race_mixing
What have we learned about STUDIES???
Most of them are SHORT SIDED bullshit.
Here is how it works.
Come on brother.
Can we really trust STUDIES anymore???
COVID has exposed how these STUDIES are bullshit.
Way to throw the baby out with the bath water.
That isn't how this works.
ALL STUDIES are now invalid because of COVID?
Explain how organ transplants work for mixed race children. Small complication that science and studies clearly explain. Let me guess, you don't BELIEVE those? lol
What studies are you talking about organ transplants?
I guess this is bunk science, huh?
These studies are full of shit!!!
You can use DATA to explain ANYTHING!!!
How many arguments have people made that MASK WORK!!
We have STUDIES that say that MASK WORK right???
But guess what??
Those are LIES!!!
All you say is "this is nonsense, this is lies" but never actually articulate WHAT is nonsense and WHY or what is a lie and what is true.
Reality is that most people prefer others of their own race.
If this bothers you, you can keep it to yourself. Only a lefty would try to force others to accept YOUR preferences.
Let me guess, you're the same kind of person who thinks men are homophobic for not wanting a man who comes onto them or transphobic for not wanting to date a transwoman.
Stop trying to force people to think like you. You are not morally superior than anyone here because you want mix the races. If God wanted us all the same he wouldnt have put people into tribes and made us different.
Let me guess, you're going to cry "nonsense!" again.
Not true.
People will only prefer what is COMFORTABLE to them "AT FIRST".
So... if you are born around nothing but people who look like you. Yes.. that's what you would seek naturally. Because it's the ONLY OPTION that you are USE TO!!!
Once that same person gets out in the world. And they meet OTHER groups of people.
They will open their mind up for other options naturally.
What happens here.
It's that there is also a racist CANCEL CULTURE that exist as well.
This racist CANCEL CULTURE will use propaganda and "studies" to SHAME people who will seek new options once they have experiene.
You know.
It's the racist white man who will call a white woman DIRTY or TRASH if she leaves the "White Plantation".
This forms of shaming. Will keep white women in check.
So when you say people naturally will stick with their own.
That's a lie.
That happens because
They only have experience with white people. Therefore it's COMFORTABLE for them.
They meet other groups of people. They find a person from another ethnic group that they actually like.
The racist CANCEL CULTURE will use propaganda and "studies" to SHAME them to STAY within their own group.
You don't know what you are talking about.
How am I right?? Beause I have EXPERIENCE with various women and ethnic backgrounds.
I am FRIENDS with tons of different people.
I've experienced something completely different having grown up in a multicultural town and having served in the US Army with people from every culture.
Speaking of cancel culture...you are the outlier and it's very lefty of you to shame those who don't think like you.