Karen Fann will not seek re-election. CodeMonkeyZ implies she is compromised.
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Part of fog of war as well
As opposed to???
Dude, citizens are supposed to do the jobs. Regular people. And we have absolutely fucked up who we have chosen in the past based on Hollywood's image of a politician.
Whomever is a fighter and stands for truth and justice is who we need
As opposed to the kinds of people who have traditionally been in congress?
This. He has the charisma of a popsicle stick.
Yeah, charisma is the standard for getting duped.
Give the guy a chance he has gotten further than most of us. It's hard enough with out basement dwelling ass hats cheering for him to fail.
Is that what you consider to be important? Really?
Whoever the demographic best suited for public office is, awkward nerds is not it.