Come on people. Spoon feeding time. We all suspected voting fraud for multiple elections for both rino and left, which we were labeled as conspiracy nuts. 2020 and the 4 years up to it were a fucking joke. Hypocrisy and the works. DS shit their pants and the dems / chicoms unleashed the pandemic, which they told us they were going to do, Trump was too much of a threat to the plan. Elections are over, it's never going back to the way it was, period, that is over. Now its either judgement day with trials for all of the mass murdering, elections fraud complete with full sentencing and deaths or it will be depop with china style social credit and nwo, it's here and its going full speed.
Well, it looks like I need to eat my hat . In no uncertain terms did I think that this was going to remain a win for the R, but appears that it will stick. I am glad. We still need to push 1000% forward to prosecute what has unfolded over the past few years. I throw my support behind Vlad the Impaler, I believe in approach to situations like the one we are experiencing.
Yes I am not dooming but this is an underrated comment. It is legit now or never. All or nothing. Prince Charles (soon to be king with the queen out of the spotlight) just literally called for a war with private companies to help push climate change agenda. And he called it war. It's on.
No you don’t. Why are you saying that?
You were saying?
Trump said flood the system and we did.
I know it’s hard but you gotta have a bit more faith.
I don't know for sure it's going to happen, but I have a feeling they're going to at least try to dump some 100,000+ votes for D late tonight.
It's gonna happen. They have to keep the trend going. Show military is only way?
I hope not but we will see. I saw a thing saying he wouldn't concede. That is the sign.
Come on people. Spoon feeding time. We all suspected voting fraud for multiple elections for both rino and left, which we were labeled as conspiracy nuts. 2020 and the 4 years up to it were a fucking joke. Hypocrisy and the works. DS shit their pants and the dems / chicoms unleashed the pandemic, which they told us they were going to do, Trump was too much of a threat to the plan. Elections are over, it's never going back to the way it was, period, that is over. Now its either judgement day with trials for all of the mass murdering, elections fraud complete with full sentencing and deaths or it will be depop with china style social credit and nwo, it's here and its going full speed.
Completely agree. What better way to shove it down EVERYONE"s faces than to flip these races which every news channel is covering?
Flip them ALL R TO D and expose it all
Well, it looks like I need to eat my hat . In no uncertain terms did I think that this was going to remain a win for the R, but appears that it will stick. I am glad. We still need to push 1000% forward to prosecute what has unfolded over the past few years. I throw my support behind Vlad the Impaler, I believe in approach to situations like the one we are experiencing.
Yes I am not dooming but this is an underrated comment. It is legit now or never. All or nothing. Prince Charles (soon to be king with the queen out of the spotlight) just literally called for a war with private companies to help push climate change agenda. And he called it war. It's on.
They probably did but enough people got out to overwhelm their attempts.