Nevermind that giving a private banking cartel fiat domination over children yet born has created a 500 Trillion+ Derivatives Bubble that can’t simply not be a part of the plan.
If anyone anywhere EVER argues Keynesianism was a good idea - point them to Derivatives and just stop talking as nothing they can say will ever justify it.
Either money is real or it’s made up bullshit - and there is simply no limit to made up bullshit.
weird they don't give free insulin huh.
Gotta get us goyims to pay.
Nevermind that giving a private banking cartel fiat domination over children yet born has created a 500 Trillion+ Derivatives Bubble that can’t simply not be a part of the plan.
If anyone anywhere EVER argues Keynesianism was a good idea - point them to Derivatives and just stop talking as nothing they can say will ever justify it.
Either money is real or it’s made up bullshit - and there is simply no limit to made up bullshit.