The ARK winning bid for Home safe LLC was just contested,pulled and awarded to KBR.Ark is the program to move our militarys household goods.KBR major share holder is Black rock.This has stink all over it.A dig here should produce bucoo shit.I am not internet literate at all.Dont know how to get the sauce to this site.
Comments (26)
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BlackRock has most probably turned white hat.
Vanguards in there too.
I don't know how much of Vanguard is still bad/good. Vanguard used to be the vehicle for the Elite families to keep control of the world, but after the 2020 mini stock market crash I know they lost control - does itmean Vanguard was freed? I dont know. Any deep dig on Vanguard is welcome.
I would really appreciate it if you could send any sources/info on how elite families lost control during the March 2020 crash.
Seemed telling that they were both holders.
What makes you think they got turned?
No dude, it's most definitely not.
BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World
I just realized the wrong video before. Here is another side of Blackrock & Vanguard to look at.
MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?
Its a good thing you posted that wrong video! I find that very informative.
Larry Fink was the creator of debt backed securities which later became mortgage backed securities and caused the GFC of 2008.
Larry Fink was brought in during 2008 to do the bailout, just like now!
Remember how I said he was instrumental in causing Evergrande to get to the precipice of collapse? This seems to be exactly the same. He is a demolition expert. He seems to know how to hide explosives precisely in plain sight so that when it explodes eventually people wont even see it coming.
What does this really mean to GFC? Was it really a deep state plot, as usual, for wealth transfer from people? Was it a White Hat op to bring down the deep state that failed? Perhaps the answer is a mixture of both, because from my timeline he turned white hat in 2009, after he took care of GFC bailouts.
Remember how SA deep state was taken down, and bin Salman (the good guy that Trump supported) controls Big Tech and he pushed them all to go ahead with their censorship agenda? Larry seems to be doing the same thing with corporates - take control of their agenda, and push the wokeness to extremes.
Both of these serves an important purpose - To hasten the Awakening. Which is why I think Larry Fink is very much a part of The Plan, but part of the plan that requires hastening the collapse and exposing the toxicity is what is currently happening, but what happens next as the economy collapses tells you what the real plan is.
This time, I believe they wont be able to bail out when the crash hits, and all the explosives he has carefully placed will blow up in the faces of the big banks. Just like media and Big Tech will collapse under their own weight due to open censorship, Work Corporates will collapse under their own weight due to toxic wokeness alienating normal people.
I think there is a lot more to keep digging, but thanks again for this video.
Yeah I have watched that video long before it made the rounds here. There is no doubt that BlackRock owns a big chunk of the world and thats a key point to what is to come.
Just a few things to consider. Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock) was brought in by Trump early last year after the mini stock market crash - when he took control of the Fed. They did a sudden change in the way Fed operates and started pumping money into the stock market. Fink decided what ETFs to purchase with all the billions being pumped.
This is what is keeping the stock market going. Its all hot air, there are no fundamentals in this market. If Trump didnt have control, they would have crushed the market before the election, blamed it on Trump and he would have actually lost the election and whats more, people would have been starving to death on the streets.
I have also read that Larry and Trump go very far. Still trying to find some definitive proof for this.He did endorse Trump early on, in 2017
Before Fink started BlackRock, he was in some big bank and he got fired because he made a wrong bet and lost 25 mil or so. (My guess - he didnt follow the instructions to manipulate the market).
But from here, he built BlackRock into a Wall Street behemoth and no doubt he played with the Elites their games. Up until 2009 he was also going along with the Bush group of the Cabal in investing into China but in 2009 he did a switch and pulled hard.
This is why Soros is in a screaming match with BlackRock and also with Xi.
Infact BlackRock did some pretty interesting stuff in Shengen real estate effectively precipitating the Evergrande crisis that we are seeing now.
There is a lot lot lot more to all this and we are only seeing the tip.
OK this would be some hopium as long as I could find the current biggest investors in Blackrock and Vanguard. I don't expect the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, Vanderbilts, Bushs of the world to be helping us as major stakeholders in their companies Blackrock and Vanguard and those families are believed currently to own those 2 companies.
Yeah, also Vanguard does not enter my calculus, only BlackRock. I have not done any dig into where Vanguard stands right now. However, good luck finding the biggest investors in either of them - I think its very opaque.
I think we shouldn't worry too much about BlackRock but rather worry about specific scenarios.
Who is holding all the Treasury debt? When US defaults, these people will be wiped out. If we can show that a big chunk is being held by the bad actors - thats a very positive thing.
Next is, who is exposed to the Chinese real estate bubble, but Chinese debt in general. I believe that will be wiped out as well.
What are majority of the pension funds holding? How will they fare if US defaults? I am hoping the pension funds wont be wiped out. If they do, perhaps they will still be bailed out post crash.
The interesting thing is that largest owner of Vanguard is Blackrock and the largest owner of Blackrock is Vanguard.
OK why would the US default when they could just print out more money? Either scenario is extremely bad for the public unless everyone has a sizeable portion of crypto/precious metals to smooth their ride.
Many are holding stocks and funds that giants like Blackrock and Vanguard control.
Unless they get into crypto/precious metals/produce something valuable, I imagine they'll be screaming ghouls because their money will be gone.
If the US defaults then the international finance firms will abandon us and nobody will be able to get a loan, let alone a bailout. If money isn't able to flow freely as it did when there were when financial services like loans were being taken care of, the value of the money will also go down.
If hyperinflation occurs, then whatever the government gives people won't help either. The only safeguard for the public I see is precious metals/crypto/producing something valuable to barter.
I just realized I sent you the wrong video before. Here is another side to look at.
MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?
Thanks for all the info, bubble bursts. I had seen the recently falling out with Soros and XJP, but I haven't seen anything about trouble between Soros and Fink, but that sounds like a positive.
I've been telling my wife lately that this "woke" push by practically every single corporation seems overdone to the point where it's like they're practically begging any sane person to recognize the absurdity of it all. Your sentence "take control of their agenda, and push the wokeness to extremes" exactly sums up what I've been thinking, but I assumed it was coming from the FJB Admin... it never dawned on me that it could be coming from Fink/Blackrock, but that's ingenious.
There is no FJB Admin, we are in a devolution and we are using FJB as a poster boy was everything that has ever been wrong with the society while exaggerating the problem to caricature levels. Hope the sheep wake up soon
Funnily the first video you sent - I just assumed it was the second video.
I havent watched the first one, so watching it now.
I doubt that, it's nothing but one enormous conglomerate of smaller conglomerates.
Not saying it couldn't happen, but entities like that don't just turn a new leaf.
People who have looked into it point to late 2018 when Blackrock flipped from cabal controlled to “white hat” controlled.
That makes no sense to me. Could you provide any good sources so I could look into it?
There's info here, but it's a bit of a long read. You can scroll down past the Hitler stuff to the Blackrock section.
Just finished reading it.
I think it's a big stretch to say Blackrock is buy thousands of homes each year to house abused children. This seems childishly naive to think Blackrock would want to help these children.
Blackrock & Vanguard are major share holders of pretty much everything.
Bound to be some politicians in on this.
"ARC loses DOD's multibillion global household goods contract"