Daily active smokers are infrequent among outpatients or hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Several arguments suggest that nicotine is responsible for this protective effect via the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR).
Nicotine may inhibit the penetration and spread of the virus and have a prophylactic effect in COVID-19 infection.
Yes, as a matter of fact I am. There’s a non-addictive(?) supplement related to nicotine that supposedly helps fight covid. Now I’m trying to remember…it has a ‘+’ at the end 😂 NAD+ 👈🏼
Did you know: Here (clinicaltrials.gov)
Daily active smokers are infrequent among outpatients or hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Several arguments suggest that nicotine is responsible for this protective effect via the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR).
Nicotine may inhibit the penetration and spread of the virus and have a prophylactic effect in COVID-19 infection.
Note; Wow…Big Pharma/Gov slamming claims it helps fight covid… ie THERE’s PROBABLY SOMETHING THERE.
Yes, as a matter of fact I am. There’s a non-addictive(?) supplement related to nicotine that supposedly helps fight covid. Now I’m trying to remember…it has a ‘+’ at the end 😂 NAD+ 👈🏼