To me, Mike Pence is Schrödinger's Traitor. Until things have played out, he both is and isn't. Arguments can be made for both. The way things are now suck, but people are waking up every day. Support for the Democrats decreases by the day. Patriots are getting more involved. We're in a way and the election was just one of its battles. It could have been a feint for all we know.
In any case. Had Trump been sworn in, the Awakening we see today would not have happened.
Yes it would and from hope and power and freedom instead of from terror and dread and loss and grief and woe and anger. Idiot normies would say, "(media TDS)" then see their pay stubs and their whole face and soul would open with promise and joy.
Pence didn’t follow the constitution, if he did we would be stuck with Bidan. Pence didn’t uphold his oath to protect and defend it from enemies foreign and domestic
Baby boomers tend to have a particular sense of humor and that's what I caught onto. I can tell you're open minded and spiritually awake too though. Bless you as well friend.
Of course he was part of the plan. When a state legislature tells him not to certify their state yet, he did so anyway. Who is he to over ride a state legislature?
Only because he took notes and published them, and was certain to tell everyone about it. Intelligent thinker, but even more savvy self-promoter. Lots of good stuff about Madison, but like all humans, still prone to flaws in his nature.
I know it’s an unpopular opinion here but I still trust Pence solely because of what Chris Miller said about him, and Miller is clearly a big cog in the devolution machinery.
"To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must posses great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths and weaknesses depend on formation and disposition of the army."
Sun Tsu - The Art of War - Chapter 5
Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China / 2013 / page 109
Chris Miller's comments re Vice President Pence, 18 December, 2020, EEOB, Wash D.C. / "Commemoration" Ceremony - 1 Year Anniversary Space Force.
From my comment history you already know the significance I place on the location for this speech, the deltas associated with the day of the remarks, and theory about an alternative meaning behind VP Pence's opening remarks, more probable now then when first observed since this location has been remodeled as the set for Brandon's faux [w]hite [h]ouse set.
Pause this clip at the start, select settings, and change the playback speed to 2, mute the audio, play clip with no sound and watch the body language.
Note VP Pence body language (signal) just prior to "the announcement."
You can't miss it.
Rinse, repeat. Switch the audio back on and rinse, repeat again.
Change playback speed to normal and rinse and repeat again.
I still lean towards Pence having been made POTUS per the 25th. I never bought the story that the WH website changes were "glitches" but had to be made to follow the law, documenting the changes etc. Glitch/hack is quite the convenient cover. He was offering a welcome on behalf of the First Family, of which he was the head. DJT was referred to as 45th POTUS. Who was DJT saluting in the chopper as it left the WH lawn? I think President Pence. What if a lot of the Q talk about POTUS in certain places, means Pence, not Trump as so many assume? For instance, POTUS is 100% insulated. What if that means that Pence is safe? Protected by Guardians?
Finally got around to watching this film the other day. Been waiting until it showed up on demand for free. Wasn't as impressed by its sequel The Sting 2 though lol
The website Sun Tsu would create would be Turing certified AI, capable of operating 17 times faster than anything else, designed and programmed to both actively and passively monitor and interact with users with a prime directive to identify friend / foe (IFF), allying with the former and attacking the later in the preconscious and conscious battle space.
The more that is revealed, the more I love the name Guardian... makes me think that we do have Guardian angels looking out for us. It would not surprise me in the least if this board has been testing ground to utilize such AI.
I NEVER trusted Pence. When I first listened to him when our President Trump won the 2016 election all I could think was 'Man, this guy is phony as all hell' He never impressed me as being honest or sincere during the whole 4 year period. Just a gut feeling I get when I hear him speak.
Meh, Madison gets far too much credit for influencing the Constitution. Why doesn't anyone ever talk about George Mason, Roger Sherman, Gouverneur Morris, Oliver Ellsworth? Madison pretty much only got his fame because he kept notes and they were published. Definitely a brilliant, important Founder, but the Constitution was a group project.
Problem is that this issue is still an unresolved Constitutional question. Adams and Jefferson both took it upon themselves to interpret the text as giving the President of the Senate (sitting VP) the sole discretion of determining the legitimacy of the forms submitted to Congress, and "counting" them. Nobody really questioned them at the time... although that failure allowed Jefferson in part, to essentially steal the election of 1800.
Will this issue ever be resolved? An amendment to the Constitution to clarify the text would be prudent. But that would require the body of legislators to give a shit about doing something intelligent 🙄
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
Shakespeare / Hamlet / Act III Scene I (1599-1601 AD)
Will this issue ever be resolved?
An amendment to the Constitution
To clarify the text,
Would be prudent.
But that would require the body,
The Legislature,
To give a shit about doing something:
Ay, there's the rub;
Watch that Netflix documentary "The Family." Epic Trump trolling and it seems like he took Pence hostage in his conquest of the ghouls running the Christian angle for Congress
He is a traitor. All he had to do was call for a forensic audit of the entire election. Instead, he allowed evil to reign. He ushered it in. “James Madison” my eye. What a bunch of BS.
To me, Mike Pence is Schrödinger's Traitor. Until things have played out, he both is and isn't. Arguments can be made for both. The way things are now suck, but people are waking up every day. Support for the Democrats decreases by the day. Patriots are getting more involved. We're in a way and the election was just one of its battles. It could have been a feint for all we know.
In any case. Had Trump been sworn in, the Awakening we see today would not have happened.
Yes it would and from hope and power and freedom instead of from terror and dread and loss and grief and woe and anger. Idiot normies would say, "(media TDS)" then see their pay stubs and their whole face and soul would open with promise and joy.
The fly dont lie.
Pence didn’t follow the constitution, if he did we would be stuck with Bidan. Pence didn’t uphold his oath to protect and defend it from enemies foreign and domestic
So do you think Hunter Biden's pictures naked in the shower with his niece were faked too?
Lol you sound funny. Are you a boomer by chance?
Oh interesting. I was just wondering if my speculation was correct. Nothing wrong with being a boomer at all!
I'm a younger millennial. Born in February 94' here.
Love to see it
Baby boomers tend to have a particular sense of humor and that's what I caught onto. I can tell you're open minded and spiritually awake too though. Bless you as well friend.
I don't know why, but part of me wants to smack you in the mouth.
Join the club.
Thank God those boomers are in control saving the sleepy younsters.
Of course he was part of the plan. When a state legislature tells him not to certify their state yet, he did so anyway. Who is he to over ride a state legislature?
James Madison, known as "the father of the constitution"
Only because he took notes and published them, and was certain to tell everyone about it. Intelligent thinker, but even more savvy self-promoter. Lots of good stuff about Madison, but like all humans, still prone to flaws in his nature.
I know it’s an unpopular opinion here but I still trust Pence solely because of what Chris Miller said about him, and Miller is clearly a big cog in the devolution machinery.
"To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must posses great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths and weaknesses depend on formation and disposition of the army."
Sun Tsu - The Art of War - Chapter 5 Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China / 2013 / page 109
Chris Miller's comments re Vice President Pence, 18 December, 2020, EEOB, Wash D.C. / "Commemoration" Ceremony - 1 Year Anniversary Space Force. (timestamp, Miller's VP Pence remarks)
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
"what takes courage is [for Pence] to do nothing." - DJT (timestamp)
And then, below, same video, different timestamp from the beginning of Vice President Pence's remarks. (timestamp, begin VP Pence remarks)
From my comment history you already know the significance I place on the location for this speech, the deltas associated with the day of the remarks, and theory about an alternative meaning behind VP Pence's opening remarks, more probable now then when first observed since this location has been remodeled as the set for Brandon's faux [w]hite [h]ouse set.
Pause this clip at the start, select settings, and change the playback speed to 2, mute the audio, play clip with no sound and watch the body language.
Note VP Pence body language (signal) just prior to "the announcement."
You can't miss it.
Rinse, repeat. Switch the audio back on and rinse, repeat again.
Change playback speed to normal and rinse and repeat again.
When you are finished, let me know.
Let's have some fun today!
I still lean towards Pence having been made POTUS per the 25th. I never bought the story that the WH website changes were "glitches" but had to be made to follow the law, documenting the changes etc. Glitch/hack is quite the convenient cover. He was offering a welcome on behalf of the First Family, of which he was the head. DJT was referred to as 45th POTUS. Who was DJT saluting in the chopper as it left the WH lawn? I think President Pence. What if a lot of the Q talk about POTUS in certain places, means Pence, not Trump as so many assume? For instance, POTUS is 100% insulated. What if that means that Pence is safe? Protected by Guardians?
What about this? (11 seconds)
Finally got around to watching this film the other day. Been waiting until it showed up on demand for free. Wasn't as impressed by its sequel The Sting 2 though lol
Check this out
The website Sun Tsu would create would be Turing certified AI, capable of operating 17 times faster than anything else, designed and programmed to both actively and passively monitor and interact with users with a prime directive to identify friend / foe (IFF), allying with the former and attacking the later in the preconscious and conscious battle space.
In other words, a Guardian.
cc: u/MAGAdeburger
The more that is revealed, the more I love the name Guardian... makes me think that we do have Guardian angels looking out for us. It would not surprise me in the least if this board has been testing ground to utilize such AI.
Subliminal Perception: The nature of a controversy / Norman F. Dixon / 1971
Preconscious Processing / Norman F. Dixon / 1981
I might be a little biased.
I NEVER trusted Pence. When I first listened to him when our President Trump won the 2016 election all I could think was 'Man, this guy is phony as all hell' He never impressed me as being honest or sincere during the whole 4 year period. Just a gut feeling I get when I hear him speak.
pence will NEVER be a hero to me .....
Former stripper faggot trying to preach to us. Take a hike, Mike.
Lol is that true? Because i saw "The Family" and wondered "why are they not even mentioning that these are obvioisly all gay men?"
Who the hell knows, but it's been said often enough
Watch that movie it's hilarious
Meh, Madison gets far too much credit for influencing the Constitution. Why doesn't anyone ever talk about George Mason, Roger Sherman, Gouverneur Morris, Oliver Ellsworth? Madison pretty much only got his fame because he kept notes and they were published. Definitely a brilliant, important Founder, but the Constitution was a group project.
Problem is that this issue is still an unresolved Constitutional question. Adams and Jefferson both took it upon themselves to interpret the text as giving the President of the Senate (sitting VP) the sole discretion of determining the legitimacy of the forms submitted to Congress, and "counting" them. Nobody really questioned them at the time... although that failure allowed Jefferson in part, to essentially steal the election of 1800.
Will this issue ever be resolved? An amendment to the Constitution to clarify the text would be prudent. But that would require the body of legislators to give a shit about doing something intelligent 🙄
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
Shakespeare / Hamlet / Act III Scene I (1599-1601 AD)
Will this issue ever be resolved?
An amendment to the Constitution
To clarify the text,
Would be prudent.
But that would require the body,
The Legislature,
To give a shit about doing something:
Ay, there's the rub;
MAGAdeburger / Madison / Act III Scene I (2021)
cc: u/v8power
I've never fancied myself a poet. Perhaps we can continue to collaborate. I like your style fren 🤝
Watch that Netflix documentary "The Family." Epic Trump trolling and it seems like he took Pence hostage in his conquest of the ghouls running the Christian angle for Congress
He is a traitor. All he had to do was call for a forensic audit of the entire election. Instead, he allowed evil to reign. He ushered it in. “James Madison” my eye. What a bunch of BS.
My question is: who are the idiots clapping for this traitor?