Lmao, You have exposed yourself as a fragile delusional sub-human who probably doesn’t even pay taxes or have a job but such is life for the basement dwelling neckbeard must be life denying to be such a waste of life to be so out of touch with reality.
Unless someone is holding you down and forcing the injection, you have a choice. Are you brave enough to make it?
Explore all your options, your very life is at stake. We are NOT cattle.
I’m not gonna argue with a neet incel living in his moms basement.
We are not cattle but you have exposed yourself as a faggot.
Lmao, You have exposed yourself as a fragile delusional sub-human who probably doesn’t even pay taxes or have a job but such is life for the basement dwelling neckbeard must be life denying to be such a waste of life to be so out of touch with reality.
Ok, faggot.