Wow! The Quigley lecture explains how to escape from deepstate control, and it is basically a recipe for the Trump movement: people from the "right" and the "left" unite together as a group that knows what it wants and what it doesn't want. It then elects candidates for positions in ALL levels of government which will support the agenda of the group rather than the agenda of the deepstate.
The lecture also describes how the deepstate has advanced its agenda in spite of the will of the people by, in addition to controlling the media and other centres of power, controlling the political candidates on both sides, and if that cannot be done (e.g. PDT), by controlling the outcome of the vote through the use of electronic voting machines.
anyone know what this is from? I'd love to watch the whole thing
G. Edward Griffin.
If you want to know about how it is done, this is one of Griffin's best lectures:
Wow! The Quigley lecture explains how to escape from deepstate control, and it is basically a recipe for the Trump movement: people from the "right" and the "left" unite together as a group that knows what it wants and what it doesn't want. It then elects candidates for positions in ALL levels of government which will support the agenda of the group rather than the agenda of the deepstate.
The lecture also describes how the deepstate has advanced its agenda in spite of the will of the people by, in addition to controlling the media and other centres of power, controlling the political candidates on both sides, and if that cannot be done (e.g. PDT), by controlling the outcome of the vote through the use of electronic voting machines.
Not bad for a lecture from 2012!
ty for this