Its the only thing that makes sense to me
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Hmm. Good point. I didn't think about that nor do I have any clue. Was the gun ever turned over though? I thought I remember they saying the gun was stolen that night?
The fact that bicep guy walks free without weapon charges is as fishy as Lisa page downlow.
Bicepless is straight up antifa fag
Meanwhile, Binger starts harassing Kyle because he mentioned he drove to work without a drivers license. Judge finally sustains the defense objection and they move on. I’m listening and thinking, you got to be F’ing kidding me
"Lefty" needs to be brought up on attempted murder charges. He brought the gun, unholstered it, aimed it at Kyle, and if Kyle hadn't have pulled the trigger, would have shot Kyle.
There is something so weird about this entire “movie”. Kyle as a 17 year old displays incredible restraint despite being chased and his life threatened repeatedly.
The prosecution is presenting the worst case ever. Making errors that are laughable.
Just what is really going on?