Bill Gates Finally Admits to Failure of COVID Vaccines He Fought So Hard to Prop Up
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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The history of comments are full of areas to dig.
It is the meeting point of the global elite for generations and model community for the real agenda.
What is your main point of interest? Here are some to choose from.
Election rigging COVID and Cornell Big Tech, Foxconn, smart cities and quantum AI Secret societies Illuminati and Council of 13 families Ancient formations and civilizations Interfaith alliances Water Slavery Human trafficking Corruption and kleptocracies Agenda 21 and 2030
Oh boy that's a lot to go through.... My wife might not see me tonight after all. I'm gonna be in my basement looking like charlie from it's always sunny in Philadelphia with his conspiracy wall 😂
Start with something simple, like the rigged election.
These links will help.
Why aren’t more journalists looking into these allegations?
Why did the corrupt Sheriff perform a magic trick to make people look at 8 cases of fraud in nursing homes when the real crimes were committed on his watch?
What deals are being made behind the scenes?
Biden endorses referendum in highly unusual move:
Testimony from Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine
Election scandal “roots” in Racine
Did WI-5 mayors break the law?
Lawsuit: Racine refuses to turn over election documents
BREAKING – ‘WISCONSIN HOT’ – Grassroots Group Uncovers 23,000 Votes with Same Phone Number and 8,000 Voters Registered in 1918 All In One County!
Why they’re being subpoenaed
Oh my lanta.... Gonna grab a pencil and note pad.... Thanks fren!! Truly appreciate it. May God bless you and your family
God bless you also. Thank you.