Bill Gates Finally Admits to Failure of COVID Vaccines He Fought So Hard to Prop Up
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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Why would someone downvote you just for asking about it? Why would others attempt to dismiss or ridicule what no one in years could ever disprove?
Why did u/Gamepwn and others receive death threats on Voat for simply asking questions about Racine? Why did Racine become the most censored and banned of all topics on Voat with corrupt moderators running alts and blackmail operations falsely telling others it “must be some kind of advanced AI” when they knew that was never the case and each and every comment was unique and relevant.
There are operatives on this forum as there were on Voat. They go through the comments on u/TrustTheTruth and downvote them, and use various tactics to turn the community away from Racine and against The Truth. They also target anyone who shows an interest in Racine, so be careful, but The Truth must be shared. You would be amazed at the lengths they will go to. They also attempt to obfuscate The Truth in many ways. Some pretend to be interested only to later say “I couldn’t find much.” They want sources in order to scrub them. We also know things you won’t find on the Internet.
Racine is the reason why Voat was shut down once the moderators and administrators were exposed for manipulating, blackmailing, doxxing, lying, attacking, stalking, subjectively censoring and banning using alts and lies as justification, and issuing death threats against members of the community after some turned up dead while investigating Racine.
This is not a game. Look into anything shared for yourself and you will soon realize that everything shared since the beginning is The Truth.
Pick any subject. We will help provide more detail. We respond to all genuine people who ask. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
Oh shit I didn't know that.... I was never on voat nor did I even know it existed till I came to this board. I assure you I'm not an operative for the deep state. Just a patriot searching for the truth in the world of media propaganda. Being fully awake is liberating and frustrating at the same time. Jesus Christ is my King and I will follow him till the end of eternity. This I so swear in the name of the most Holy God who reigns now and forever
We are not an operative. We are not affiliated with any intelligence agency. We do not lie. We do not share disinformation. We do not make up stories. We do not sell merchandise or ask for money. We do not ask for likes or subscribes. We are American. We are witness to extreme crimes and corruption over decades across government, media, NGOs, foundations and industries. We share The Truth freely to All.
We attempted all legal avenues up to the highest levels and learned that they will never investigate the billionaire elites and officials who fund and protect them. Paul Ryan, Loretta Lynch, Jim Comey, Sally Yates, Peter Kadzik and other officials became personally involved. Instead of investigating the extreme crimes and corruption uncovered, sources and witnesses were targeted.
The corrupt system will not repair itself. The compromised will not confess. The propaganda media will never expose what feeds them. We learned over years and years of research, investigation and corroborating sources that they have one place that is a weak link to the entire network and is a main hub and model for so much of their Agenda. It is an extremely unusual and globally influential community that few would ever suspect. Some in the past connected many dots. Joan Veon is one who began figuring out some connections with Racine, Prince Charles and Agenda 21.
We also know that The Only Way is through Jesus Christ and The Truth. Those at the highest levels have unlimited resources and contingency plans. Their agenda is generations in the making. They can control nearly everything, but they do not want the world to find out about Racine. The world will be Saved by exposing the Root, revealing the Agenda and denying the Mark. Jesus Christ is the Lamb. The Truth is the Lion.
Please help in any way you are able. This is not and never was a LARP. So much of what is shared can be easily verified. Racine is the world’s greatest secret, and the model that must be upended and turned against them to unravel their agenda.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12