Anyone else wondering how it’s so easy to fake so many tests these days?
I feel like I had harsher quality control in undergraduate chemistry labs. We’re now seeing faked testing on steel, COVID samples, Pfizer vaccines, etc. Large amounts of news about fake data.
I’m not a metallurgist, but I would think it’s difficult to fake reactions for Navy steel. Obviously we know you can fake positive COVID results with pawpaw fruits and whatnot, but I’m astounded that so many “scientific” processes can be faked so easily.
I don't know the particulars of this case. But it's shockingly easy for this stuff to go on for years. Just a tacit acknowledgement that people lie and get away with it leads to an expectation of corruption, leading to actual corruption that exceeds expectations, leading to new expectations of worse corruption. General moral decay. Here are a few articles on fake lab results going back years. I couldn't even find the one I was searching for, an FBI crime lab in Colorado, because it's so pervasive. Too much acceptance of other people's work, without checking or enforcing basic honesty.
Anyone else wondering how it’s so easy to fake so many tests these days?
I feel like I had harsher quality control in undergraduate chemistry labs. We’re now seeing faked testing on steel, COVID samples, Pfizer vaccines, etc. Large amounts of news about fake data.
I’m not a metallurgist, but I would think it’s difficult to fake reactions for Navy steel. Obviously we know you can fake positive COVID results with pawpaw fruits and whatnot, but I’m astounded that so many “scientific” processes can be faked so easily.
They don't fake an actual test. They don't do the test at all, but falsely say that they did.
That would require large amounts of falsified data to be submitted, or a large amount of people in on the fix.
I’m inclined to believe the latter.
I don't know the particulars of this case. But it's shockingly easy for this stuff to go on for years. Just a tacit acknowledgement that people lie and get away with it leads to an expectation of corruption, leading to actual corruption that exceeds expectations, leading to new expectations of worse corruption. General moral decay. Here are a few articles on fake lab results going back years. I couldn't even find the one I was searching for, an FBI crime lab in Colorado, because it's so pervasive. Too much acceptance of other people's work, without checking or enforcing basic honesty.