Where's God Through Out All oF This??? Missing!!!
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Lol. I'd seriously rethink denying the Trinity, the God head, three in one. Especially now. The relationship with Christ is the only answer. By the way, Christianity is NOT a religion. You'll deny the most historically accurate/relevant/researched document of all time?
The trinity came about in 385 AD at the nicene council. It was forced on the Eastern bishops and had no biblical basis. It was reaffirmed in 485 Ad and then polluted the cburchbever since.
God used the father son relationship so we could understand how its arranged. Yet we ignore His own Words.
If God died who raised him? If God is spirit and no man hath seen him at any time how can Christ be seen?
I can do this all day. The Father, the Son and the gift of holy spirit
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not understanding that has consequences to the believers walk. Did yku know that the born again ones are also called sons of God? Beloved, now are we the sons of God but it doth not yet appear whatbwe shall be...yet we are not God anymore than Christ we are Sons. Christ is THE Son.
Truth needs no defense and withstands all down votes.
The Trinity came about when God spoke in the old testament. His literal spirit the holy spirit is what lit the bush on fire. The Trinity has literally been existing since God has ever exist. I am the alpha and Omega means, God head has been around FOREVER.
Jesus Christ is not the literal son of God, ie, wasn't created with another being. Your understanding of the Trinity is lacking.
Whether Christianity is a religion or not is somewhat irrelevant. The real question is if the claims of Christianity are true. If the claim that Jesus is God in the flesh is true, then all other religions are false. That's the crux of the issue with Orthodox Christianity (and the claims of the Christ himself). It doesn't leave us any wiggle room.
Oh I hear ya, my man.
I was just piggybacking on your poignant correction to make an additional point about the nature of Jesus claims for those who are reading.
No hard feelings.
It is a way of a FATHER with His children. But it can be a religion if people make it one for sure. It doesn't have to be and should not be.
Lol. No. There is nothing required. Only an admission to yourself and to Him that you need Him.
No bells. No whistles. Straight up one on one relationship with the Lord. Not a religion. By the way, Catholics are NOT christians, neither are Mormons.
There is a Christianity which is definitely one of many world religions. Does the current NWO pope strike you as being a Christian? Or is he a blasphemous satanic substitute? The faith of Christ's apostles is the original faith of Christ, which was being corrupted even in their day. This is something of what it means to defend THE Gospel as it is laid out in the NT. To understand the OT better, it is first necessary to understand Christ as openly revealed in the NT, so that you can more easily find Christ, who is described in a somewhat more hidden manner, in the OT. The entire Bible is God's one true revelation of Christ and describes the only way of salvation that Christ provided. ALL of Christ's sheep are eternally saved because it is based upon Christ's finished work alone, without any contribution of man whatsoever.
Some people have no clue that if you don't understand the first book, Genesis, you'll never understand the last book, Revelation, either. It's all mans fault we are where we are today as sinners. Understanding Jesus paid that penalty and accepting Him as Lord and Savior is the only way to forgiveness. Only God can do this. Be careful how you condemn the Jews as they are the apple of His eye. He said He will deal with them. You'd be better off letting Him.
The jews God loved had their chance to receive their redeemer. Tjey rejected him.
Not chosen any more than the rest now. Just the first to be invited.
See Romans 11
You say all this, but I don’t think anyone really understands what you’re trying to say. It’s coming off as insane ramblings. If the Bible and all we know of the Bible is false, then where are you getting your truth? Do you have access to special knowledge or books that none of us have?
Got it and I don’t put it out of possibility. but where are you getting your info? Any links I can follow up on?
You mean the devil came up with a counter story to God's truth? Wow I'm shocked? God is still real and His Son Christ is also.
My wife asked the same question. I still owe her the answer, but it will be: don't blame God for allowing what happens, blame the people that allowed this to happen lots and lots of generations ago. And then: you and me and everyone you know.
God gave mankind everything they needed to live a prosper life in peace and wealth, but we wasted it by turning to false prophets, by wanting quick succes on behalf of others instead of hard work, for profit, for power and what not.
All we have to do now is turn to God, and he will listen (at least he listened to me), and our sins will be forgiven and our land will be healed. But instead peolple say: how can I turn to God when he's allowing all of this?
it's a loop in their minds they can't break through.
2 Chronicles 7:14 [14]If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
It's that easy.
God sent Trump to bring us back into His loving hands. It may be hard to see through all the vim and vigor, but given that Trump win by such a landslide over satanism I think He succeeded.
God sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions. .my savior is Christ. Trump is just a man and he is trying do a job. I pray for him but I don't rely on him.
A relationship with God is an individual, not a collective, relationship. God is Love. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Chill and have faith. The status of the World doesn’t negate the promises of God. Scripture is inerrant and the only sure thing we have. This life is so fleeting—stop worrying about what the Devil is up to and start working the Word of God and his goodness in your life. I’ve been there— so focused on the evil that I was blinded to the good. Read Galatians ch3 and Deuteronomy 28 together we are redeemed from the curse of the Law
Their god and our Lord God are not the same.
Our churches have abandoned God and his people for MONEY AND POWER. BLAME THE CGURCHES NIT GOD. The Preists are supposed to leed his people through God. There are a lot of "POWER CHURCHES" They deny God even though they claim to worship him. They worship the WRONG GOD. They are worshipping the GOD OF EARTH WHICH IS SATAN!! WE as Christians are not putting our FULL FAITH in God. When Trump put GOD FIRST WE THRIVED AS A NATION. Now God is on the back burner so we are on the back burner. Kinda like RESPECT. You gotta respect to get respect. Our country is NOT RESPECTING GODS LAWS...
Speak for your own church brother. Depending on your state— I can point you to a good church
Satan and his millions of demons still exist. Don’t blame God. The responsibility falls squarely on our shoulders. God gave his only Son and DIED for us— how much more can we ask of Him? His Word is True. Don’t start blaming God now with the end of the age approaching. Tribulation begins in the next 2-3 years according to three separate prophesies from the mouth of God.
Fig tree prophecy Millennial Berisheet Passover Prophecy Shemita Cycle prophecy
All three point to Rapture and beginning of Trib no later then fall of 2023. In light of the Antichrist system that came out of nowhere over the last 18 months— I’d say things are lining up perfectly
Read your Bible! (KJV, ESV) Yes all of that is true about the Talmud and the Kabbalah. Yes I know all of that. Been there. Got it. Yes. My question is what good does knowing all of that bring you? Has your relationship with God and Jesus AND the Holy Spirit been positively impacted by this knowledge?
Yes, evil rich Jew-ish men rule the world under the Jesuit /Masonic agenda. No, Jews don’t go to heaven unless they repent and accept Jesus as their Savior (just like anyone else). There are Jew-ish people and there are the descendants of Abraham. 2 separate groups. The only time the Bible uses the word Jew-ish is in a negative light. Worry about your own salvation and read the Word you will get revelation through the Holy Spirit. Your letting the devil distract you from the truth. Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit? Have you been baptized in water AND fire?
I pray you get released from the demon trying to drag you to hell by your blasphemy in Jesus Name
No, I’m not arrogant, I’m confident in my faith and I stand firm on the Word.You literally called the Holy Spirit a demon(a baphomet)— exactly what the Pharisees did. “He casts out demons with demons” id be careful tiptoeing around the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Why are you equating the Talmud with Christianity anyway? The Israelites of the Bible followed the Torah. The Talmud says that Jesus is in hell burning in a pit if steaming shit right now, they hate Christ. I’m not sure why you think the Scriptures have ANYtHInG to do with the Talmud. I’m not a Jew worshipper. I don’t donate to Israel, (well, not intentionally anyway) taxes 🙄
Unpardonable. Literally.
Blasphemous claptrap.
Have you watched the presentation on bitchute called What on Earth Happened By EwarAnon?
Because after watching it, you would have an idea exactly where God is.
I'm just gonna leave this here from wiki: [Franklin] Graham has said . . . he believes Jesus would approve of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying "that's what Jesus Christ would want us to do, to help save life. It's just a tool to help save life." He has compared the vaccine to the oil and wine the Good Samaritan used to treat the wounds of the injured traveler, saying "Now the oil and wine were the medicines of that day." He told ABC News, "I think for a pastor to tell someone not to take the vaccine is problematic because what would happen if that person got coronavirus and died?" . . . O blasphemy, feel like I need a crucifix and garlic (weak joke). . . Graham took the jab and got pericarditis. Mayo clinic took out his pericardium. How many of his followers are gonna get sick/die because of Graham's false COVID teachings? He also misinterpreted and misused the Good Samaritan parable. The parable describes the salvation of Christ: oil = Holy Spirit, wine = Christ's shed blood, the GS = the Good Shepherd who saves life in the eternal sense. I beg you all not to listen to this man. He is dangerous to your physical and spiritual health. Christ warned there would be false profits [intentional] who come in his name. Don't blame Christ for the things Satan's ministers do. (There are a lot of those, and they confuse and mislead many on the "Broad Way.") Following Satan leads to death. Christ is the [only] way, the TRUTH and THE life. Look unto him, not unto man. Please, Lord, open their eyes.
Killed God on the cross? The Word of God must be righy divided. Jesus Christ is not God, he is THE Son of God. Are you your father? Time to get the romish lies out of Christianity.
They didn't kill him, he gave up his life. He said "it is finished". he could have had 72k angels to fight for him and come down off the cross any time he wanted, But he, Jesus Christ, The Son of God was obedient unto death.
The deep state even twisted the doctrine of Christ. "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim 3:15