If you unironically have fallen for the flat earth CIA psyop, there is one easy experiment you can do to prove yourselves wrong.
Step 1: buy GPS enabled go-pro
Step 2: buy high altitude capable balloon
Combine the two, watch the balloon go up, track where it lands, watch the footage for yourself and free yourself from Mockingbird bondage.
For a little extra, you can configure a live feed system and watch everything in real time all under your control! Yes, it really is that simple!!!
And now that you are convinced that flat earth is a psyop, ask yourself - why this ridiculous psyop? Why this specifically?
Because of it's sheer ridiculousness... it can be attached to everything and make it seem equally ridiculous by association...
Ever notice how many times "Flat earthers" shows up with "QAnon supporters" or "Violent Alt-Right Conspiracy theorists"?
They did the same w/ Pizzagate, Vegas Shootings, Wikileaks, 9/11... etc.
Lizard people, alien abductions and flat earthers... the ultimate "Conspiracy Theory" killing labels to add to anything "they" want to make vanish.
Ding ding ding ding ding ding. Not everything is a conspiracy, but not every theory is wrong.