Just found out December 6th is the day the company i work for bends the knee and mandates the covid shot. Get jabbed or get fired.
Any pedes in the south Florida area looking to hire?
Just found out December 6th is the day the company i work for bends the knee and mandates the covid shot. Get jabbed or get fired.
Any pedes in the south Florida area looking to hire?
This might help: https://patriots.win/p/140Is4Mc1H/osha-has-suspended-the-vaxx-mand/c/
Good luck Pede!
If they are doing it because of the OSHA mandate then that has been stayed by the 5th circuit court from going into effect. That means the company must abide by the exemption laws. So I would file a religious exemption immediately and remind them that there is no official federal mandate for vaccines. I'm sure you can find sample exemptions around on the net.
Will do. This shit is getting ridiculous
OSHA just suspended the whole thing. Several threads on here about it.
I saw that after making the post. My boss is still saying that's wrong, but I guess I'll know more in a few days. Apparently they're looking over all the options, but they already sent out emails saying it'll be mandatory if OSHA says so.
So currently in a wait-and-see type deal, but it doesn't look good for me
I know your employer may have said this but they are either bluffing or are not aware of recent developments. This is Not true, the vax mandates for 100+ employee businesses got shot down TWICE in federal court over the last 2 weeks. The media is silent about it. They can be sued now if they fire you. Show your employer the court rulings.
Thanks, will do. Fingers crossed
A committee discussion is underway https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/regional/florida/florida-lawmakers-legislation-vaccine-mandates/67-3203bba7-3e67-48a7-bcfe-089e53c8181d but unsure how long it will take move forward and be voted on.
You probably have the information presented below, but just ICYMI. Also, remember the only FDA approved vaccine, Cormirnaty, is not available and the EUA vaccines are still being used.
Consider presenting this information in a business letter that includes the date, address, name, text body, signature, etc. as well as anyone who you might send a copy of the letter to such as a higher up.
It is my desire to be fully informed of all facts before getting vaccinated. Therefore, I would be most grateful if you could please provide the following information in accordance with statutory legal requirements.
1.Can you please advise me of the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental. 2.Can you please provide details and assurances the vaccine has been fully, independently, and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcome of those tests. 3.Can you please provide the entire list of contents of the vaccine you are requesting that I receive and if any of the contents are toxic to the body. 4.Can you please fully advise me of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction. 5.Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is not experimental mRNA gene altering therapy. 6.Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from you and others representing this institution, organization, or agency in compliance with the Nuremberg Code. 7.Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality should I be unfortunate to contract COVID 19 and the likelihood of recovery. 8.Can you please advise me if I were to experience any adverse reactions as to whether the manufacturer of the vaccine could be held liable.
Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied there is no threat to my health, I will consider accepting your offer to receive the vaccine but with certain conditions:
1.You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm. 2.If I accept the vaccine requirement, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries that I might experience. 3.In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination because you are unable to address the eight aforementioned legal requirements, please confirm my position will not be compromised and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result. 4.Finally, can you confirm that my inalienable rights will not be violated.
Isn't it spelt "Comirnaty"?
Yes, that is a typo due to rushed typing, tired eyes, and brain overload :-)
What do u do