Hold on: so POTUS trump advocated to take the vaccines… Hrm. I think I finally understand! In order to have a legit worldwide awakening, lots and LOTS of people have to have their faith in the system completely destroyed. What better way than to let a bunch of people take a mystery vaccine?

Not sure I get it. Does "having it all" not imply already having enough ammunition to wake everyone up? Why the need to harm people in order to awaken them?
Only because it wasn’t real socialism the first time!
It will be definitely be better when I’m in charge!
Well maybe buy which is easier: force feed the population with information that is contrary to their worldview OR just let them fall victim to government tyranny so they lose trust in the very system they defend?
There's a very huge risk if that's actually a play being made.
If they lose faith, they will never have faith in their government or country again.
That's also not good. It is important to be able to trust your government to a certain extent, and be able to hold them to account still.
What this risks is a population that is always and entirely contradictory to their government, possibly continuous uprisings to claim control for their own side and righteous beliefs.
It is a line that is being straddled, but not very well.
Put that way, it makes a bit more sense.