I suspect strongly that many of these people involved in this plot are dead. It's probably why Q showed us that McNoname was executed, to let us know that these people were being held accountable behind the scenes. I believe HRC is dead which means this theory going around that she may be inserted to become president and Obama appointed as VP is just bs. That theory was going around years ago when Q was posting. Sick of hearing of her, she's dead people.
Fauxbama can never be VP now, because having "served" eight years as "president" he is not eligible
Of course, the zany notion that he was ever eligible to begin with is a baseless fantasy indulged in by left-wing zealots. There is zero credible evidence (ZERO) that he was born in the United States.
I suspect strongly that many of these people involved in this plot are dead. It's probably why Q showed us that McNoname was executed, to let us know that these people were being held accountable behind the scenes. I believe HRC is dead which means this theory going around that she may be inserted to become president and Obama appointed as VP is just bs. That theory was going around years ago when Q was posting. Sick of hearing of her, she's dead people.
Fauxbama can never be VP now, because having "served" eight years as "president" he is not eligible
Of course, the zany notion that he was ever eligible to begin with is a baseless fantasy indulged in by left-wing zealots. There is zero credible evidence (ZERO) that he was born in the United States.
Thanks for bringing that up. I've been a birther from the beginning and have been down MANY rabbit holes.
His true father is either :
🟢 Frank Marshal Davis <== Famous Communist and mentioned in Hussein's book as an important influencer.
🟢 Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo. <== Founder of the Indonesian Subud religion which included Loretta Fuddy.
...there are a lot of lesser schemes an thoughts on this board. Thankfully balanced by reason & intelligence from others.