Comments (11)
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For the same reason that Gruesome dumped all of CA's water into the ocean. You can't bring about the end of America without getting rid of it's resources.
"Trust the plan".
Well, we're waiting!
don't know why you are downvoted. WE'RE WAITING!!!!
The Great Reset
The gasoline crisis in America is 100% manufactured. They are gutting America's economy on purpose. They don't care if we can see them initiating their plan anymore. The hour has grown late on their plan, and they are panicking in their attempt to bring us into their new system.
cut domestic supply and send out reserves, sound like getting ready to be conquered
“Climate change” (NPC’s don’t get physics)
WHAT THE HECK? Is this "quid pro quo" to repay Xi for putting Hunter B. on the board of the China petroleum company??? ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC given the fact that the working class now has to practically take out a bank loan in order to fill up a car... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE****
I think we might be shifting into nuclear power?
Bill Gates - Kemmerer Wyoming.
Because Biden is Chinese.