JFK JR. …. Vince Fusca ??? I’m not making any claims but this is an incredibly interesting short video!!! 🤯🤯
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Ken griffey jr
All juniors
u/Rainspa is a dumb
Don Jr. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one exception though, George Bush Sr. and then ya got "dubya".
Different birth names: GHWB and GWB.
Dale Earnhardt Jr
Those are also brand names. They aren't gonna drop the Jr cause their consumers are too stupid to know who they are otherwise.
Whipping out my PEOPLE magazine of Aug 2, 1999 front cover "John F. Kennedy Jr." The general public knows him as such. Always has always will, period.
people magazine might say that, but what about George Magazine...think that's a better source.
scroll half way down, HE signed his name John Kennedy. no Jr.