Rainspa 7 points ago +7 / -0

OMG, we're Marilyn!

Monroe? no

Manson? no

What then? Munster Checks out

Rainspa 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it is at least partially an act. The woman is an attorney and has passed the bar. AOC worked in a bar.

Rainspa 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not uneducated; he has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell.

Rainspa 4 points ago +4 / -0

Russia is less than 5 miles away from us. Little Diamide Island and Big Diamede Island. Maybe it is 5 point 5 miles away from each other.
Update: Russia is 2.4 miles away from the US. Little Diamede (AKA Yesterday Island) and Big Diamede (AKA Tomorrow Island) not only are close but are on different sides of the international date line.

Rainspa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since I have never claimed the above, I am at a loss as to why you feel it is your duty to scold me.
What can we do to help you?

Rainspa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Faggot is a bundle of sticks of a specific size. 3ft x 2ft I'm told. Firestarter I think.

Rainspa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keeping cursive writing out of the curriculum is a very sneaky way of making the founding documents out of the reach of the public.

We have a generation of Americans that can be told what the documents say, but have to rely on the honesty and reliability of others; they can't read them themselves.

Rainspa 1 point ago +1 / -0

For goodness sake.
Can you order a taco? Then the answer to "can you speak Spanish?" is YES. Badly, with little skill, but you CAN speak some Spanish. If you are not getting paid extra for fluency, you are fine. Next ask for tuition assistance for your language classes.

I've been asked if I am bilingual. The answer is YES.
Sometimes people assume what my other language is. They are wrong.

Rainspa 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes. The Pontiff is still a head of state, and is in control of vast wealth and a network of global influence.

Rainspa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good-bye Joe, me gotta go, me-o my-o Me gotta pole my pirogue down the bayou.

National freakin' treasure, that.

Rainspa 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is the best way to get Jambalaya. Oh this makes me hungry.

Rainspa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anti-propaganda is another issue, and the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 in my opinion needs to be re-instated.

The official and legal language of our country being universal will make a difference. Not today or tomorrow perhaps, but the clarity of one language does matter. It means that there is no controversy about the translation of say Smith-Mundt and if a given translation is more valid that the English version.

All Americans are free to speak what ever language they wish. That won't change at all.

Tax forms and laws will be in English. OFFICIAL documents will be in English.
Ballet and restaurants will prefer French, Octoberfest will have a German accent still, and all will be well.

This is about the official language, and you still better say thank you to your Granny in her preferred tongue.

Rainspa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except Cajun or Creole French. That's a language that promises etouffee for lunch, and I'm all for it.

Rainspa 4 points ago +4 / -0

I for one give do. They are stealing more than our money. Let's get it all back.

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